Rick Dondo's Family Tree

Pierres, Louise

Pierres, Louise

Female 1672 - 1752  (80 years)

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   Date  Event(s)
  • 1684—1684: York Factory is founded at the mouth of the Nelson River
    York Factory is founded at the mouth of the Nelson River (MHS)
  • 1690—1690: Henry Kelsey joins a First Nations trading family bound for the prairies
    16-year-old Henry Kelsey joins a First Nations trading family bound for the prairies and, the following year, is the first European to see vast herds of North American bison. (MHS)
  • 1731—1731: La Verendrye sets out for his first journey west
    La Verendrye sets out for his first journey west, guided by First Nations people. (MHS)
  • 1738—1738: La Verendrye reaches the forks of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers.
    La Verendrye with the help of his First Nations guides reaches the forks of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers. (MHS)