Rick Dondo's Family Tree

Most Wanted


 Elusive People

Birth Family of Cassian Shmigelski (1868)

All efforts to date to identify his parents and, thus, any siblings have been unsuccessful. We expect that advances made in the indexing and digitization of both the parish and state records in the Ukraine will help us pierce the veil that has shrouded this information in mystery for so many years from the prying eyes of various family members acting as geneaoligists.

For now, I have begun a separate family tree to capture as much information as I can about potential relatives who had a presence in North America, starting with those who lived in Manitoba. The results of that work can be seen here.

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Birth Family for Fred Russin (1854)

All efforts to date to identify his parents and, thus, any siblings have been unsuccessful. We expect that advances made in the indexing and digitization of both the parish and state records in the Ukraine will help us pierce the veil that has shrouded this information in mystery for so many years from the prying eyes of various family members acting as geneaoligists.

For now, I have begun a separate family tree to capture as much information as I can about potential relatives who had a presence in North America, starting with those who lived in Manitoba. The results of that work can be seen here.

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Family of Andreas Dmytryk (1833)

Thanks to work done by my mother’s cousin, Eleanore (Smiley) Chopp, Anastasia (Dmytryk) Shnigelski-Bazyk’s family have a considerable base of knowledge about the members of her birth family. Unfortunately, that does not allow us to understand the lives they led nor does it tell us whether any of THEM also came to Canada or elsewhere in North America. What we know, what little there is, can be seen on her father’s profile on this site.

All efforts to date to learn more about his life and those of his children have been unsuccessful. We expect that advances made in the indexing and digitization of both the parish and state records in the Ukraine will help us pierce the veil that has shrouded this information in mystery for so many years from the prying eyes of various family members acting as geneaoligists.

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Birth Family for Dokia Burdij / Burdy (1859)

Even her maiden name is in doubt! All efforts to date to identify her parents and, thus, any siblings have been unsuccessful. We expect that advances made in the indexing and digitization of both the parish and state records in the Ukraine will help us pierce the veil that has shrouded this information in mystery for so many years from the prying eyes of various family members acting as geneaoligists.

For now, I have begun a separate family tree to capture as much information as I can about potential relatives who had a presence in North America, starting with those who lived in Manitoba. The results of that work can be seen here.

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Travel records for Anastasia (Dmytryk) (1878) and Michelina (1899) Shmigelski

The travel documents in hand tell us these people were refused boarding in Liverpool, presumably for health reasons. Cassian went on alone. When did the young mother and her infant daughter travel?
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Locations of graves and memorials

ALL information that adds to or corrects information on this site relative to the location of a resting place, ashes, or other memorial to a deceased person is welcome. This is ESPECIALLY true for anyone whose final disposition is listed as "Unknown Cemetery".

There are lists under "Cemeteries" in some of the provinces for graves I have yet to locate, Such as for Manitoba and British Columbia.

As is always the case... All help is welcome!

Memorial presentations

One intent of this site is to tell our family stories. Slide shows and videos presentations prepared as retrospectives of loved ones' lives are time capsules of family heritage. Actual files or links can become valuable assets for future generations.
Suggestions for historical timeline events

These would be the "backdrop" events that helped define the social experience of the people alive at the time. An example can be seen here.

 Mystery Photos