Rick Dondo's Family Tree

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“Dit” Names in French Canada
“Dit” Names in French Canada
This tradition of “dit” names started in France with the military. New recruits would often be given nicknames or noms de guerre (literally translated as “war names”). They would be identified via their first name, surname and nom de guerre. The recruit sometimes chose their own name and sometimes it was assigned to him by his captain.…
Owner of original: The French Canadian Genealogist
Date: 2022
(A) Packsack of Seven Decades
(A) Packsack of Seven Decades
A book published for the centenary of Manitoba as a chronicle of events along major theme lines during the first seventy years of European history in the area. It contains many stories which name the townspeople involved, providing much colour and detail about the lives lived in the area. Dedicated to the pioneers.

The focus is on the towns of…
Owner of original: The Hadashville Women's INstitute
Date: 1970
(Anglican) Diocese of Rupert's Land
(Anglican) Diocese of Rupert's Land
The Anglican Church in Southern Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario; The history of the Diocese extends back to the fur trade and Red River Settlement. It is rooted in a long-standing partnership between Aboriginal peoples and European traders and settlers. Rupert’s Land is where you will find the earliest churches in Western Canada.
Owner of original: Diocese of Rupert's Land
Date: 2023/08/19
100 years of History, Rockwood Municipality
100 years of History, Rockwood Municipality
A book published for the centenary of the Rural Municipality of Rockwood as both a chronicle of events along major theme lines and as a collection of family stories during its first one hundred years of history. It contains many stories which name the townspeople involved, providing much colour and detail about the lives lived in the area.…
Owner of original: Rockwood Municipal History
Date: 1982
1880 Bird's eye view of Saint-Boniface, Manitoba
1880 Bird's eye view of Saint-Boniface, Manitoba
A point-in-time overview of the streets and major landmarks of the area of the Saint-Boniface Parish
Map St Boniface
Owner of original: Printers in Madison, Wisconsin
Date: 2025/01/19
1925 Canada - Old video in color from 1900
1925 Canada - Old video in color from 1900
Snippets of video taken from about 1925 of scenes across Canada, framed around a proposed cross-country train trip. (Hosted on Youtube)
Owner of original: FilmRescue
Date: 5 Jun 2020
A Bibliography of Manitoba Local History
A Bibliography of Manitoba Local History
A guide to local and regional Histories written about communities in Manitoba
Owner of original: Christopher Hackett
Date: 1989
A Century of Memories - Elm Creek Centennial History Book (1892 - 1992)
A Century of Memories - Elm Creek Centennial History Book (1892 - 1992)
A book published for the centenary of Elm Creek in the RM of Grey, MB, and its surrounds as both a chronicle of events along major theme lines and as a collection of family stories during its first one hundred years of history. It contains many stories which name the townspeople involved, providing much colour and detail about the lives lived in…
Owner of original: Elm Creek History Book Committee
Date: 1992
A Guide to Funerary Art in Manitoba (Canada)
A Guide to Funerary Art in Manitoba (Canada)
It is interesting to note that 100 years ago, at the height of the garden cemetery movement, in which ambitious stones were placed in lovely garden settings, the graveyard was a very busy place.
Picknickers flocked there. People went on Sunday strolls there. The many details presented on various stones would have been entertaining and even…
Owner of original: Heritage Manitoba
Date: 2024/02/03
A History of the Rural Municipality of South Norfolk 1879-1939
A History of the Rural Municipality of South Norfolk 1879-1939
A historical recounting of the first sixty years of the life and times of the RM in which many names are mentioned. It does not include family histories.
Owner of original: The RM of South Norfolk
Date: 1939
A Place of Our Own - A History of No Ordinary People
A Place of Our Own - A History of No Ordinary People
A history of the pioneering era to the present (1982) of Fisher Branch and the surrounding districts of Zbaraz, Broad Valley, Kilkenny, Fisherton, Hodgson, Harwell, Lee Lake, and Marble Ridge. Organized around themes and family stories.
Owner of original: The Fisher Branch Historical Society
Date: 1982
Acadian-Cajun Genealogy and History
Acadian-Cajun Genealogy and History
The Acadians began as a group of (primarily French) settlers in 17th century Canada. Over the years, they have been subjected to numerous hardships that usually result in the disappearance or assimilation of a culture. The Acadians were able to retain large portions of their identity, even after their homeland was taken and they were exiled.…
Owner of original: Tim Hebert
Date: 2022
Acadian.org is the number one source for Acadian-Cajun Family Genealogy information. We provide extensive family trees for thousands of Acadian family names.

This website is managed by Denis Cyr, his wife, Becky, and their son, Nathan. Denis is the son of Yvon Cyr, the originator of this website and one of the primary researchers of Acadian…
Owner of original: Yvon and Denis Cyr, et al
Date: 2022
Acadians in Gray
Acadians in Gray
This site is devoted to every aspect of Acadian/Cajun history and genealogy. It is generally for the Acadians cum Cajuns who ended up in the Louisiana area and other southern states; mostly cataloguing those who served in the Rebel / Confederate army.

Information, constantly updated, is organized into "books". All content is free to use and…
Owner of original: Steven A Cormier
Date: 2022
Advice for genealogy newbies
Advice for genealogy newbies
Are you new to researching your family tree? Not sure how to start exploring your roots? We are here to help! Visit our new How to begin your genealogy research page to discover:

How to start
Where to look
Our top search tips
Free Family tree templates

Hopefully, you will find this to be an enjoyable hobby, or maybe it…
Owner of original: Library and Archives Canada
Date: 2023/07/19
All Saints Cemetery - Search Burial Records
All Saints Cemetery - Search Burial Records
Search the database of all graves in the All Saints Cemetery in West St Paul, MB, as maintained by the staff of the Ukrainian Catholic Metropolitan Cathedral (Sts Vladimir and Olga) in Winnipeg, MB, CANADA
Owner of original: Sts Vladimir and Olga
Date: 2022
An account of life at the Lebret (Qu’Appelle) Indian Industrial Residential School
An account of life at the Lebret (Qu’Appelle) Indian Industrial Residential School
The Lebret (Qu’Appelle, St. Paul’s, Whitecalf) Industrial School, (1884 – 1998) , operated by the Roman Catholic Church (Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate and the Grey Nuns) from 1884 until 1973, was one of the first three industrial schools that opened following the recommendations of the Davin Report, and was fully funded by the…
Owner of original: University of Regina, SK, CANADA
Date: Jul 2017
Ancestry Blog
Ancestry Blog
Articles about the Ancestry service and the value it provides in so many different ways
Owner of original: Ancestry
Date: 20222
Ancestry site availability status
Ancestry site availability status
A visual representation of the state of various Ancestry services, including Login, Family Tree Features, Search, Shopping Cart, Home Page, DNA-related features, Hint-related features, Mobile applications
Owner of original: Ancestry
Date: 2022
and so... Ninette - 1879 - 1919
and so... Ninette - 1879 - 1919
A book published as a way to record the early history of the town of Ninette largely as a chronicle of events while identifying the families and individuals who played key roles in town life and beyond. It contains many stories which name the townspeople involved, providing much colour and detail about the lives lived in the area. Dedicated to…
Owner of original: Eva Calverley
Date: 1920
Anecdotes, Saint-Claude, Manitoba, 1892-1992
Anecdotes, Saint-Claude, Manitoba, 1892-1992
A book published for the centenary of Saint-Claude in the RM of Grey, MB, as a chronicle of its first one hundred years of history. It contains many stories which name the townspeople involved, providing much colour and detail about the lives lived in the area. Dedicated to the pioneers.
Owner of original: Saint-Claude Centennial Book Committee
Date: 1992
Arborg, MB's Centennial Video from 2001
Arborg, MB's Centennial Video from 2001
The song, by John Stanowski, is called Arborg, Manitoba. The video has lots of familiar faces. This copy is a little shaky, but the sentiment is still there.
Owner of original: Town of Arborg
Date: 2001
Arcanum Maps - Europe in the 19th Century
Arcanum Maps - Europe in the 19th Century
Arcanum Maps presents detailed and accurate historical maps of several countries in an innovative way:

Great military surveys

Maps of countries and cities

Thematic maps

3D and synchronized views

Search settlement names

Measure distance and areas
Owner of original: Arcanum Adatabazis KFT
Date: 2022
Archdiocese of Saint Boniface
Archdiocese of Saint Boniface
One of the oldest institutions in Western Canada
Owner of original: Archdiocese of Saint Boniface
Date: 2023/04/18
Archives départementale de Lozère (France)
Archives départementale de Lozère (France)
Departmental archives of the department of Lozère in France; Births deaths marriages and so much more!
Owner of original: Déparement de Lozère
Date: 2023/06/12
Archives of Manitoba
Archives of Manitoba
Manitoba's rich documentary past is accessible to you at the Archives of Manitoba. You will discover a treasure of information about Manitobans and their history.

The holdings of the Archives of Manitoba are a rich resource for the study of the history of Manitoba and its people, as well as the history of the Hudson's Bay Company (HBC). There…
Owner of original: Government of Manitoba
Date: 2023
Archiwum G?ówne Akt Dawnych - Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw
Archiwum G?ówne Akt Dawnych - Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw
Described by the Gesher Galicia team as:

In the early 1950s, a large consignment of archival material arrived in Warsaw from areas in the eastern parts of interwar Poland, which were by then in the Soviet Union. The contents included vital (metrical) records and community records from the main religious communities of the region—Roman…
Owner of original: Central Archives of Poland
Date: 2022/08/21
Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America
Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America
Our mission is to preserve and contribute to the unity of the Orthodox Church by helping to further her spiritual, theological, ecclesiological, canonical, educational, missionary, and philanthropic arms.

B&B Memorial Restoration
B&B Memorial Restoration
B and B Memorial Restoration is owned and operated by Brett & Becky Szucki of Brookdale, Manitoba. Serving Manitoba and Eastern Saskatchewan. With a over a decade of experience we have the skills and expertise required to restore your loved ones memorial to its former beauty. Our dedicated onsite restoration and re-leveling services will…
Owner of original: B&B Memorial Restoration
Date: 2023/09/26
BC Archives Genealogy - General Search
BC Archives Genealogy - General Search
Search our indexes to births (1854-1903), marriages (1871-1945), deaths (1872-2000), colonial marriages (1859-1872) and baptisms (1836-1888); Please note: The BC Archives has microfilm versions of records that have a BC Archives Mfilm Number, unless otherwise specified. If no microfilm number is available, please contact Vital Statistics.
Owner of original: Government of British Columbia
Date: 2022
Behind the Surname (Ukrainian)
Behind the Surname (Ukrainian)
Behind the Surname is a website for learning about all aspects of surnames. Its scope is broad: all surnames from all cultures and periods are eligible to be included in the main name database. There are currently several thousand names in the database (and additionally tens of thousands in the submitted name database), a fraction of what the…
Owner of original: Mike Campbell
Date: 2022
Beneath the Long Grass
Beneath the Long Grass
A book published for the centenary of the village of Glenboro and its surrounding villages as both a chronicle of events along major theme lines and as a collection of family stories during its first one hundred years of history. It contains many stories which name the townspeople involved, providing much colour and detail about the lives lived in…
Owner of original: Glenboro and Area Historical Committee
Date: 1979
Between Mountain and Lake - A History of Ochre River Municipality 1885 - 1970
Between Mountain and Lake - A History of Ochre River Municipality 1885 - 1970
A local history book which provides some details of the family's life in the area once organized as the RM of Ochre River
Makinak Turtle River Sainte Ste Rose du Lac
Owner of original: Ochre River History Committee
Date: 2023/09/17
Beyond the Gates of Lower Fort Garry - A Sequel
Beyond the Gates of Lower Fort Garry - A Sequel
A book published as a follow-up to the one put out for the centenary of the RM of St Andrews as both a chronicle of events along major theme lines and as a collection of family stories during its first one hundred years of history. It contains many stories which name the townspeople involved, providing much colour and detail about the lives lived…
Owner of original: Municipality of St Andrews
Date: 2000
Beyond the Gates of Lower Fort Garry 1880-1981
Beyond the Gates of Lower Fort Garry 1880-1981
A book published for the centenary of the Rural Municipality of St Andrews as both a chronicle of events along major theme lines and as a collection of family stories during its first one hundred years of history. It contains many stories which name the townspeople involved, providing much colour and detail about the lives lived in the area.…
Owner of original: Volunteers in the RM of St Andrews
Date: 1982
BFQT - A 'quest' family tree maintained by Rick Dondo on the Ancestry service
BFQT - A "quest" family tree maintained by Rick Dondo on the Ancestry service
Information about various families who had a presence in Manitoba in the early 20th century; families with names like "Burdij" who MAY have a connection to Dokija (1859), wife of Fred Russin *** Information is as accurate as the records will allow, but the RELATIONSHIPS are very much a WORK IN PROGRESS and there are very likely errors that will…
Owner of original: Rick Dondo
Date: 2022
Brief history of Winnipeg Beach, 1901-1955
Brief history of Winnipeg Beach, 1901-1955
A book published to capture the story of the first 54 years of Wininpeg Beach as mainly a chronicle of events along major theme lines and with mentions of people and families involved.
Owner of original: Winnipeg Beach
Date: 1955
Bukowinian settlements in southern Manitoba - Gardenton area [RM of Stuartburn, etc]
Bukowinian settlements in southern Manitoba - Gardenton area [RM of Stuartburn, etc]
A book published to provide a glimpse of how a transplanted society of Ukrainian peasants from the northern villages of Bukowina took roots in the free lands of Manitoba. Organized as both a chronicle of events along major theme lines and as a collection of family stories during its first one hundred years of history. It contains many stories…
Owner of original: John Panchuk
Date: 1971
Canada and the First World War
Canada and the First World War
Resources at Library and Archives Canada

From 1914 to 1918, thousands of Canadian men and women were called upon to contribute to the effort required for the First World War, an event that transformed our nation, culture, economy and identity. This exhibition is designed to illustrate, through Library and Archives Canada collections, the many…
Owner of original: Library and Archives Canada
Date: 9 Sep 2020
Canada at Scale: Maps of our History
Canada at Scale: Maps of our History
An exhibition held at the National Archives of Canada, 395 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ontario, until February 21, 2000

"There will come an age in the far-off years when Ocean shall unloose the bonds of things, and disclose new worlds..."

Cartographers of 500 years ago often cited this passage by the philosopher Seneca (4 BC - 65 AD). In the…
Owner of original: Library and Archives Canada
Date: 21 Feb 2000
Canada Lands Survey System (CLSS) Map Browser
Canada Lands Survey System (CLSS) Map Browser
The Map Browser allows users to browse cadastral data to search and visualize related survey parcels and plans maintained by the Surveyor General Branch (SGB). Users can navigate within the map using a mouse or keyboard and query the data using attribute searches.
Owner of original: Government of Canada
Date: 2023/03/23
Canada Lands surveys: Maps
Canada Lands surveys: Maps
The maps listed on this page geographically illustrate Canada Lands by province and territory, and are accompanied by metadata about each map. A print shop can use a PDF to generate a large-sized print for you.
Owner of original: Governmen of Canada
Date: 2023/03/27
Canada Lands surveys: Maps
Canada Lands surveys: Maps
The maps listed on this page geographically illustrate Canada Lands by province and territory, and are accompanied by metadata about each map. A print shop can use a PDF to generate a large-sized print for you.
Owner of original: Government of Canada
Date: 20230327
Canada411 / Yellow Pages
Canada411 / Yellow Pages
The people and business finder. Canada 411 is a simple and quick way to find any person across Canada or find great local businesses.

Phone telephone number address
Owner of original: Canada 411
Date: 2023/08/31
Canadian Historical Association Booklets
Canadian Historical Association Booklets
The Canadian Historical Association (CHA) publishes a series of booklets in both English and French on aspects of Canadian history. The first CHA booklet, The Undefended Border: The Myth and the Reality, by C.P. Stacey, appeared in 1953. Since that time, 63 more booklets in the general series have appeared. In 1979 with support from the federal…
Owner of original: The Canadian Historical Association
Date: 11 Jul 2014
Canadian Orthodox History Project
Canadian Orthodox History Project
The Canadian Orthodox History Project began as an attempt to prepare histories and biographies of communities and persons within the Archdiocese of Canada (ADOCA) in The Orthodox Church in America (OCA). It was soon evident that such a specialised history would lack a proper context. Despite the administrative and linguistic differences, the lives…
Owner of original: Canadian Orthodox History Project
Date: 2023/09/13
Canadian Register of Historic Places
Canadian Register of Historic Places
Federal, Provincial and Territorial (F/P/T) governments recognize the contribution historic places make to our communities. Since 2001, the F/P/T governments have worked together through an initiative to jointly develop core programs. The Canadian Register of Historic Places (CRHP) provides a single source of information about all historic places…
Owner of original: Canadian Register of Historic Places
Date: 2023.09/29
Canadian Research Knowledge Network / Réseau canadien de documentation pour la recherche (CRKN / RCDR)
Canadian Research Knowledge Network / Réseau canadien de documentation pour la recherche (CRKN / RCDR)
The CRKN has core licensing activities for scholarly journal content, while expanding support for the digitization and preservation of, and access to, Canadian heritage content.

Through the services of Canadiana, CRKN is:

- Increasing access to the Canadiana collections: Canadiana and Héritage

- Offering digitization services for CRKN…
Owner of original: Canadian Research Knowledge Network
Date: 2022
Carman / Dufferin Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee
Carman / Dufferin Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee
The Heritage Resources Act (1986) provides authority for the municipalities to designate and protect local heritage resources and to develop initiatives that will encourage, support, educate and promote the management and sustainability of historic resources in the community.

C/D MHAC was established to serve as an advisory committee to the RM…
Owner of original: Carman / Dufferin Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee
Date: 2023/07/22
CATHOLIC CEMETERIES in St Boniface, Manitoba
CATHOLIC CEMETERIES in St Boniface, Manitoba
Maybe you never gave it any thought, but all cemeteries are not alike. A Catholic cemetery is a very special place. It is the place where our brothers and sisters in faith rest in peace. A Catholic cemetery is different because Catholics envision death in a very special way. As Catholics, we believe that the body is sacred, even after death, and…
Owner of original: Saint-Boniface Cathedral
Date: 2023/04/15

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