Title |
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Images of obituaries [SD] |
Short Title |
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Images of obituaries [SD] |
Author |
Various |
Publisher |
Various |
Repository |
Ancestry |
Source ID |
S0000300009 |
Text |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
Linked to (51) |
Anderson, Begga Thoranna
Asher, Marie Dorothy
Aubertin, Florence Marie
Badiou, Andre
Badiou, F.F.
Badiou, Gabriel Pierre François "Gabe"
Badiou, Hubert
Badiou, Jacques
Badiou, Jean Ernest "John"
Badiou, Lorraine
Badiou, Louis Andre Robert
Badiou, Marcel Jean
Badiou, Marie-Ange
Badiou, Raymond Simon
Basmanir, Anastasia Nestoria "Nettie"
Blais, Joseph Clovis
Boal, Joseph
Bodnar, Alexander "Alex"
Bodnar, Anna "Ann" "Annie"
Bonaldo, Angelo
Bonaldo, Maria Assunta "Mary"
Bourgeois, Ozias "Osias" "Oscar" "Elzear"
Boziniak "Baziniak", Gordon
Breton, A. f.d.l.c
Breton, Albertine Marie Thérèse
Breton, Hélène
Breton, Jeanne Maria Pia
Breton, Marie Albertine "Cécile"
Breton, Sister Jeanne-Rita; with her novitiate in 1942 Marie-Ange Lucienne "Jeanne-Rita" f.d.l.c
Breton, Stanislas Joseph Raymond
Brown, Harriet Ellen Bryant
Bruneau, Rose Delima
Bugee, Francis Patrick "Frank"
Cadotte, Joseph Marie "Ferdinand"
Carriere, Marie Rose Silvia "Maria"
Comte, Jean "John"
Coté, Alexander Joseph "Alex"
Cote, Dorothy Eunice
Coté, George Isadore
Coté-Roebuck, R.
Czop, Josef "Joseph"
Czop, Katarzyna "Catharina" "Katherine" "Kathleen"
Czop, Lazon "Leon"
Czop "Chop", Andrzej "Andrew" "Andreas"
Dacquay, Jeanne Marie Josephine
DeMonte, Giovanni "John"
Desrosiers, Letitia Marie
Deurbrouck, Julien V
Dondo, Dr Mathurin-Marie "Marius" PhD
Dondo, Yves Joachim
Donisza, Katarzyna "Catherine" "Katie"
[More individuals] |