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What is Taphophilia?

Exploring the fascinating subject of grave hunting

An English term born of two ancient Greek words, “taphos”, which applies to matters such as funerals, wakes, tombs, burials, and graves, plus “philia”, which means love/fondness, taphophilia quite literally means a love of graveyards, death and related subject matter.

Taphophiles may enjoy such activities as visiting graveyards and cemeteries, photographing such locations, reading epitaphs, taking grave rubbings, thinking about/discussing subjects of death and the lives of those who have passed on, and studying the history of graveyards and/or famous deaths.

As well as researching subjects such as art, burial rites and customs, photography (including post mortem photography), poetry, music and other creative mediums in which death has been featured in varying capacities.

Witchcrafted Life - Autumn Zenith

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