Rick Dondo's Family Tree

Labossière, Renée-France "Renée"

Labossière, Renée-France "Renée"[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

Female 1936 - 2018  (82 years)

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  • Name Labossière, Renée-France "Renée"  [2, 3, 4, 5
    Birth Aug 1936  Saint-Léon, RM of Lorne, Manitoba, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [5
    Gender Female 
    Residence 1962  Saint-Boniface, Manitoba, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [2, 5
    Death 1 Aug 2018  Saint-Vital, Greater Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [5
    Person ID I402101148666  Rick Dondo's Family
    Last Modified 19 Feb 2025 

    Father Labossière, Louis Joseph Ormand,   b. 6 Sep 1898, Saint-Leon, RM of Lorne, Manitoba, Canada Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 16 Oct 1967, Saint-Boniface, Manitoba, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 69 years) 
    Mother Rondeau, Marie Julienne "Yvonne",   b. 6 Mar 1901, Saint-Joseph, RM of Montcalm, Manitoba, Canada Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 19 Dec 1984, Saint-Boniface, Greater Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 83 years) 
    Marriage 30 Mar 1921  RM of Lorne, Manitoba, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Family ID F519  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBirth - Aug 1936 - Saint-Léon, RM of Lorne, Manitoba, Canada Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - 1962 - Saint-Boniface, Manitoba, Canada Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsDeath - 1 Aug 2018 - Saint-Vital, Greater Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 
    Pin Legend  : Address       : Location       : City/Town       : County/Shire       : State/Province       : Country       : Not Set

  • Sources 
    1. [S1502254493] Ancestry.com,
      Ancestry Family Trees (Public and Private), (Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com.
      Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.).
      A contributor has cited material deemed to be pertinent to this story.
      It is described as "Ancestry Family Tree".
      Another researcher's profile of this person
      Another researcher's profile of this person
      Another researcher's profile of this person
      Another researcher's profile of this person
      Another researcher's profile of this person
      Another researcher's profile of this person

    2. [S1502255581] Ancestry.com, Canada, Voters Lists, 1935-1980, (Ancestry.com Operations, Inc.), Call Number not provided.

      As noted on the Ancestry.com service in this Records Collection item

    3. [S1510757169] Ancestry.com, U.S., Obituary Collection, 1930-2017, (Ancestry.com Operations Inc), Call Number not provided.
      A contributor has cited material deemed to be pertinent to this story.
      It is described as "Publication: Winnipeg Free Press; Publication Place: Winnipeg, Mb, USA".

    4. [S1510757169] Ancestry.com, U.S., Obituary Collection, 1930-2017, (Ancestry.com Operations Inc), Call Number not provided.

      As noted on the Ancestry.com service in this Records Collection item

      It is described as "Publication: Winnipeg Free Press; Publication Place: Winnipeg, Mb, USA".

    5. [S1563291627] Winnipeg Free Press,
      Passages Service of the WFP (Web)[SD], (Winnipeg Free Press Located in: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada), N/A.
      A contributor has cited material deemed to be pertinent to this story.
      It is described as "id-258311".

      It was described specifically or transcribed by them as "RENEE-FRANCE LABOSSIERE 1936 - 2018, Date of Passing: Aug 01, 2018; Paisiblement, au Centre Action Marguerite Despins, Renée-France est passé de notre monde terrestre a l'Eternel a l'âge de 81 ans. Renée-France, est née à St-Leon, la plus jeune d".e Louis Labossiere et d'Yvonne Rondeau. Son service à la communauté fut d'une femme dédiée à l'enseignement et ce surtout a l'enseignement de la langue française. Sa carrière d'enseignante débuta dans la Montagne en 1956 à St-Leon et à Somerset. Par la suite elle enseigna dans des écoles catholiques privées - St-Jean Brébeuf, St-Ignatius, Sacré-Coeur et St-Emile. Après avoir enseigné 5 ans à l'école Lacerte, elle devint directrice de l'école Taché en 1976. Il faut se rappeler qu'a ce temps-là il n'y avait pas de DSFM et qu'il n'y avait même pas de classes françaises officielles. Elle y demeura jusqu'à sa retraite en 2002 soit une période de 26 ans. Sous sa tutelle l'école Taché devient une des premières écoles francophones publiques dans la Province. L'école, sous sa direction, grandit avec les années et ce avec une réputation de qualité tant dans sa structure de valeurs que dans la qualité de son personnel. Sa vision dépassait la simple transmission des connaissances; elle avait le souci de la formation intégrale de l'enfant en propageant les valeurs chrétiennes, le respect des règlements et la croissance de l'enfant. L'école a été un pilier qui a su ramener maintes familles dans le quartier Nord de St-Boniface ...ce qui a par la suite contribué à faire de ce quartier une communauté vibrante qu'elle est aujourd'hui. Les parents et le personnel partageaient avec elle une valeur commune: l'amour de la langue française. En sommaire, Renée-France a été une personne de mission et de cause. Soucieuse de sa famille, Tante Renée a joué le rôle de grand-mère à ses neveux et nièces a travers les années. Elle faisait partie intégrale de nos rencontres de famille et son leadership se faisait valoir par les fameux jeux de cartes tout comme son intérêt dans tout ce qui se passait dans la vie de chacun des neveux et nièces. Jouer aux cartes pour Tante Renée était beaucoup plus qu'un jeu...c'était le taquinage, un peu de compétition, apprendre à être un "bon sport", connecter avec les membres de sa famille, connecter avec sa soeur Raymonde et l'Oncle Jos et plus tard avec ses voisins a St-Peter's and Paul ainsi qu à la Villa Aulneau. Elle laisse dans le deuil son beau-frère Joseph DePape et de multiples neveux et nièces. Elle fut pré décédée par son frère Raynald et son épouse Hélène (née Dacquay), son frère Armel et son épouse Hilda (née Messner), sa soeur Raymonde (DePape), son frère Marius et son épouse Lorraine (née Genest). Une célébration de la vie de Renée-France aura lieu à la Cathédrale de St-Boniface le samedi 22 septembre, 2018 à 10hr00 suivi de la messe à 10h30. Veillez remplacer l'envoi de fleurs par un don à Francofonds (Fonds Ecole Taché). Pour exprimer des condoléances, prière de vous rendre à www.desjardinsfuneralchapel.ca RENEE-FRANCE LABOSSIERE 1936 - 2018 Peacefully, at Action Marguerite Despins, Renée-France passed away at the age of 81 years. Renée-France was born in St-Léon, the youngest of Louis Labossiere and Yvonne Rondeau. She was a woman dedicated to teaching, especially to the teaching of the French language. Her teaching career began in 1956 in St-Léon and Somerset, and later in private Catholic schools - St. Jean Brébeuf, St. Ignatius, Sacré Coeur and St. Emile. After teaching at Lacerte school for five years, she became principal of Ecole Taché in 1976. She stayed there until her retirement in 2002, a period of 26 years. L'Ecole Taché became, under her tutelage, one of the first public francophone schools in the Province. Under her direction, the school grew over the years and was renowned for the quality of its education as well as its emphasis on values. Her vision exceeded the mere transmission of knowledge, she was concerned with the integral formation of the child through Christian values, the respect for daily discipline and the growth of the child. The school was a pillar that brought many families back to the North St-Boniface, which contributed to the growth of the neighbourhood as a vibrant community that it still is today. Always attentive to her family, Aunt Renée played the role of grandmother to her nephews and nieces through the years. She was an integral part of our family get-togethers where her leadership was especially emphasized by our famous card games. Playing cards for Aunt Renée was much more than a game ... it was teasing, a little competition, learning to be a "good sport" and connecting with family and friends. She is survived by her brother-in-law Joseph DePape and many nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by her brother Raynald and his wife Hélène (née Dacquay), her brother Armel and his wife Hilda (née Messner), her sister Raymonde (DePape), her brother Marius and his wife Lorraine (nee Genest). A celebration of Renée-France's life will take place at St. Boniface Cathedral on Saturday, September 22, 2018 at 10:00 a.m., followed by Mass at 10:30 a.m. Flowers can be replaced with a donation to Francofonds (Fonds Ecole Taché). To express condolences, visit www.desjardinsfuneralchapel.ca Desjardins 204-233-4949 1-888-233-4949

      -- As published in the Winnipeg Free Press on Sep 15, 2018

      Reported as having been published or sourced on or about 2018/09/15.

      The information was at the time and may yet be available here, on an Internet service,
      access to which may or may not also be subject to a subscription.

    6. [S0000300001] Various,
      Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Portraits [SD], (Various).

      Your host has offered a file identified as an image of a portrait
      with a title of "Obituary photo - Renée-France "Renée" Labossière (1936)",
      and has reported details about it as follows:

      Described as: Obituary photo for Renée-France "Renée" Labossière (1936)
      NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original
      Published in Greater Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, on Abt. 2004

      Media / Image (jpg - [jpeg]; image - [portrait])
      File size: 7874 bytes; Image size (pixels): 220 wide by 204 high

      Available for viewing with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.

      Ancestry record number reported as: N/A

    7. [S0000300009] Various,
      Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Images of obituaries [SD], (Various).

      Your host has graciously offered a file identified as an image of an obituary
      with a title of "Obituary - Herving "Marius" Joseph Sylvain Labossière (1934)",
      and has reported details about it as follows:

      Described as: Obituary for Herving "Marius" Joseph Sylvain Labossière (1934), as published in The Vancouver Sun on 1991/04/26 (page D11)
      NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original

      Published in Vancouver, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia, Canada on 26 Apr 1991

      The offered place of birth is: Saint-Leon, RM of Lorne, Manitoba, Canada
      The offered date of birth is: 13 Sep 1934
      The offered place of death is: Port Moody, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia, Canada
      The offered date of death is: 25 Apr 1991
      The location of the death was not identified

      Cemetery / final disposition identified as: Port Coquitlam Municipal Cemetery

      The following people have been identified as mentioned in the notice:

      Herving "Marius" Joseph Sylvain Labossière (1934), Lorraine (Genest) Labossière (1938)

      The notice has not been transcribed

      Media / Image file of types: (jpg - [png]; image - obituary)
      File size: 167806 bytes; Image size (pixels): 506 wide by 1063 high

      Available for viewing with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.

      Ancestry record number reported as: N/A

    8. [S0000300009] Various,
      Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Images of obituaries [SD], (Various).

      Your host has graciously offered a file identified as an image of an obituary
      with a title of "Obituary for Marie Julienne "Yvonne" (Rondeau) Labossière (1901)",
      and has reported details about it as follows:

      Described as: Obituary for Marie Julienne "Yvonne" (Rondeau) Labossière (1901), as published in the Winnipeg Free Press on 1984/12/21 (page 18)
      NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original

      Published in Winnipeg, Greater Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada on 21 Dec 1984

      The offered place of birth is: Saint-Joseph, RM of Montcalm, Manitoba, Canada
      The offered date of birth is: 6 Mar 1901
      The offered place of death is: Saint-Boniface, Greater Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
      The offered date of death is: 19 DEC 1984
      Reporting that the death occurred in or at the St Boniface Hospital

      Cemetery / final disposition identified as: Saint Leon Roman Catholic Cemetery

      The following people have been identified as mentioned in the notice:

      Marie Julienne "Yvonne" (Rondeau) Labossière (1901), Louis Joseph Ormand Labossière (1898)

      The notice has not been transcribed

      Media / Image file of types: (jpg - [png]; image - obituary)
      File size: 173703 bytes; Image size (pixels): 427 wide by 1216 high

      Available for viewing with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.

      Ancestry record number reported as: N/A

    9. [S0000300009] Various,
      Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Images of obituaries [SD], (Various).

      Your host has graciously offered a file identified as an image of an obituary
      with a title of "Obituary - Louis Joseph Ormand Labossière (1898)",
      and has reported details about it as follows:

      Described as: Obituary for Louis Joseph Ormand Labossière (1898), as published in the Winnipeg Free Press on 1967/10/17 (page 28)
      NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original

      Published in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada on 17 Oct 1967

      The offered place of birth is: Saint-Leon, RM of Lorne, Manitoba, Canada
      The offered date of birth is: 6 Sep 1898
      The offered place of death is: Saint-Boniface, Manitoba, Canada
      The offered date of death is: 16 Oct 1967
      Reporting that the death occurred in or at the Taché Hospital

      Cemetery / final disposition identified as: Saint Leon Roman Catholic Cemetery

      The following people have been identified as mentioned in the notice:

      Louis Joseph Ormand Labossière (1898), Yvonne (Rondeau) Labossière (1901)

      The notice has not been transcribed

      Media / Image file of types: (jpg - [png]; image - obituary)
      File size: 74976 bytes; Image size (pixels): 303 wide by 517 high

      Available for viewing with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.

      Ancestry record number reported as: N/A