Rick Dondo's Family Tree

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Tree: Rick Dondo's Family

Country : Latitude: 51.1656910, Longitude: 10.4515260


Matches 1 to 33 of 33

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID   Tree 
1 Boesenhagen "Hagen", Charles J "Carl"  Abt. 1854Germany I402408492531 Rick Dondo's Family 
2 Bräunig "Braeunig", Albert  21 Jul 1933Germany I400162175138 Rick Dondo's Family 
3 Bräunig "Braeunig", M.   I400168028358 Rick Dondo's Family 
4 Bräunig "Braeunig", B.B.   I400162175158 Rick Dondo's Family 
5 Bräunig "Braeunig", P.   I402029083584 Rick Dondo's Family 
6 Brick, Nicholas  Abt. 1823Germany I402452382614 Rick Dondo's Family 
7 Dreier, Rosel  19 Jul 1912Germany I402093478599 Rick Dondo's Family 
8 Dreier, T.   I402288656213 Rick Dondo's Family 
9 Dreier, Wilhelm  Abt 1894Germany I400095801317 Rick Dondo's Family 
10 Dreier, Wilhelm  Abt 1916Germany I402288655907 Rick Dondo's Family 
11 Eßwein "Esswein", A.A.   I402567580258 Rick Dondo's Family 
12 Gitt, R.   I402125213631 Rick Dondo's Family 
13 Graboski "Grabowski", Leon "Leo"  2 Jul 1864Germany I402007173571 Rick Dondo's Family 
14 Hickenburger, Henry  1787Germany I402380031926 Rick Dondo's Family 
15 Jahnke, Auguste Marie Henriette  17 Nov 1866Germany I402092879449 Rick Dondo's Family 
16 Jahnke, Auguste Wilhelmine "Minnie"  18 Nov 1859Germany I402092879440 Rick Dondo's Family 
17 Jahnke, Bertha A  Jan 1871Germany I402092877965 Rick Dondo's Family 
18 Jahnke, Gustav Albert "G. A."  19 Sep 1875Germany I402092879442 Rick Dondo's Family 
19 Jahnke, J.   I402092878994 Rick Dondo's Family 
20 Klosser, Rosa "Rose"  1856Germany I402093347965 Rick Dondo's Family 
21 Miesel, D.A.   I402257281608 Rick Dondo's Family 
22 Neddermeyer, Elisa Frederika "Alse"  30 Aug 1878Germany I402057241908 Rick Dondo's Family 
23 Olhauser, Christine  Abt. 1827Germany I402452382796 Rick Dondo's Family 
24 Pfeiffer, C.   I402093478902 Rick Dondo's Family 
25 Preusche, Annette Augustine "Anna"  1887Germany I402122007019 Rick Dondo's Family 
26 Rabner, Frank Xavier  1888Germany I402192369488 Rick Dondo's Family 
27 Schumacher, Dorathea "Dora"  Oct 1834Germany I402092878476 Rick Dondo's Family 
28 Sies, Henry  18 Mar 1839Germany I402051845887 Rick Dondo's Family 
29 Stobert, Irvin Adolph  1919Germany I402555277442 Rick Dondo's Family 
30 Weischner, C.   I402567580333 Rick Dondo's Family 
31 Wellman-Wiliamson, Louisa Mary "Louise"  20 Oct 1836Germany I400080608212 Rick Dondo's Family 
32 Westendorf, H.   I402125213629 Rick Dondo's Family 
33 Wiegers, Elizabeth  5 Jun 1834Germany I402394119682 Rick Dondo's Family 


Matches 1 to 5 of 5

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID   Tree 
1 Beaudoing "Baudoing", Sr Marie Émilie "Marie-de-Jésus"  Abt. 1980Germany I402122427651 Rick Dondo's Family 
2 Bräunig "Braeunig", Siegfried "Otto"  Abt. 1988Germany I400088262244 Rick Dondo's Family 
3 Dreier, Rosel  Germany I402093478599 Rick Dondo's Family 
4 Kreamer, PFC Ray Sidney  9 Feb 1945Germany I402116751776 Rick Dondo's Family 
5 Lebihan, SGT Gabriel Emile Joseph  28 May 1943Germany I402138200449 Rick Dondo's Family 


Matches 1 to 4 of 4

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID   Tree 
1 Grzeskowiak, Michal "Michael"  Sep 1849Germany I400166955588 Rick Dondo's Family 
2 Kazmierczak, Jozefina "Josephine" "Josie"  Abt 1850Germany I400166965318 Rick Dondo's Family 
3 Kliniske, Anna  Abt 1875Germany I400159039076 Rick Dondo's Family 
4 Thane, George Frederick Heinrich "Fritz"  12 March 1839Germany I400080587354 Rick Dondo's Family 

Military Service

Matches 1 to 2 of 2

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Military Service    Person ID   Tree 
1 Bräunig "Braeunig" "Braunig", Otto Jr  1944Germany I400015824043 Rick Dondo's Family 
2 Dreier, Heinrich Wilhelm  Abt. 1943Germany I400080938855 Rick Dondo's Family 


Matches 1 to 2 of 2

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Occupation    Person ID   Tree 
1 Dreier, Heinrich Wilhelm  1939Germany I400080938855 Rick Dondo's Family 
2 Dreier, Wilhelm  1940Germany I400095801317 Rick Dondo's Family 


Matches 1 to 2 of 2

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Residence    Person ID   Tree 
1 Grzeskowiak, Stanislaw "Stanaste" "Stanley"  1881Germany I400166956589 Rick Dondo's Family 
2 Ritzert, Margaretha  Germany I400088262061 Rick Dondo's Family 


Matches 1 to 3 of 3

   Family    Marriage    Family ID   Tree 
1 Bräunig "Braeunig" / Ritzert  Abt. 1924Germany F5467 Rick Dondo's Family 
2 Dreier / Arning "Aoning"  Abt 1911Germany F5865 Rick Dondo's Family 
3 Krueger / Behnke  7 Apr 1867Germany F7726 Rick Dondo's Family