Sources |
- [S1502254493],
Ancestry Family Trees (Public and Private), (Online publication - Provo, UT, USA:
Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.).
A contributor has cited material deemed to be pertinent to this story.
It is described as "Ancestry Family Tree".
Another researcher's profile of this person
- [S0000100001] Find a Grave (A subsidiary of Ancestry),
Ancestry's Find A Grave Indices / Catalogues, (Find a Grave (A subsidiary of Ancestry)).
As noted on the service in this Records Collection item
- [S1568935914] Adam's Funeral Home,
Adam's Funeral Home Online Obituaries (Web)[SD], (Adam's Funeral Home).
A contributor has cited material deemed to be pertinent to this story.
It is described as "Marie-Rose-deRocquigny".
Further: "With video tribute".
It was described specifically or transcribed by them as "Marie-Rose de Rocquigny (née Allec), March 9, 2021; C’est dans l’après-midi du 9 mars 2021 que nous a quitté notre chère mère et grand-mère, Marie-Rose de Rocquigny (née Allec), à l’âge de 99 ans et 10 mois. C’était la dernière de sa génération de".s de Rocquigny et des Allec.
Elle laisse dans le deuil ses enfants et leurs conjoint(e)s: Madeleine Pelletier (feu Jacques), André (Diane Ukrainec), Philippe, Yvonne (Paul) Cenerini, René, Raymond (Nicole Fontaine), Arthur, Annette, Gisèle (Claude) Lachance, Jacqueline (James) Hiebert et Béatrice (Daryl) Patton, et son gendre Ken Orr (Olivia Stadnyk), ainsi que ses petits-enfants : Christine (Neil), Michèle (Terrence), Chauntal (Andrew), Marc (Shereen), Andréa (Milan), Lise-Anne (Ian), Yvette, Rachel, Normand (Michelle), Nadine (Marc), Liane (Owen), Athalie (Bret), Julie (Tyler), Michel (Christine), François (Chantal), Karine, Christian (Ashley), Jacqueline, Eric et Danica, et 39 arrière-petits-enfants.
Marie-Rose a été précédée dans la mort par son mari François de Rocquigny (1975), sa fille Marie Orr (1999), son gendre Jacques Pelletier (2012), ses frères et sœurs, Joseph (Marie) Allec, Francine (Paul) Marion et René (Corinne) Allec, et ses beaux-frères et belles-sœurs, Arthur (Catherine) de Rocquigny, Hilaire (Nathalie) de Rocquigny, Joseph de Rocquigny O.M.I., Louis (Alice) (Laurianne) de Rocquigny, Adèle (Ludovic) Philippot et Marie (Georges) Bernard.
C’est sur la ferme à Haywood qu’elle a élevé ses douze enfants, en leur inculquant des valeurs bien appréciées. Lorsqu’elle quitta la ferme en 1991, elle est allée s’installer à Saint-Claude avec son fils Philippe. En 2016, elle est allée vivre ses dernières années au Pavillon de Saint-Claude pour recevoir les soins nécessaires.
Marie-Rose Allec was born on May 2, 1921 and married François de Rocquigny in 1939. They raised their twelve children on the family farm with much love, and taught them to live a life based on values that bring true happiness. Maman, you will be missed more than you could ever imagine by the large family you have left behind, which is trying to follow in your footsteps.
Les services funéraires auront lieu le samedi 13 mars 2021 à l'église catholique Saint-Denis à Haywood, avec le service commémoratif à 14 h 20, suivi de la messe funéraire à 15 h, avec l’abbé Peter Le Van Ngu officiant. L’inhumation suivra dans le cimetière de Haywood.
À cause du Covid, les funérailles sont privées.
Le service commémoratif et la messe funéraire seront accessibles via la diffusion en direct. Si vous souhaitez que votre nom apparaisse dans le livre d'or, veuillez envoyer votre nom par courriel à re: Marie-Rose de Rocquigny.
Au lieu de fleurs, des dons commémoratifs peuvent être faits au Centre de Santé Saint-Claude, C.P. 400, Saint-Claude, Manitoba, R0G 1Z0.
Au revoir chère maman, grand-mère et arrière-grand-mère. Tu resteras à jamais dans nos cœurs. C’est ton amour qui nous manquera le plus. Tes multiples talents, ton amour, ta maîtrise du français et ta foi ancrée dans l’amour ont toujours été une source de fierté pour tes enfants et petits-enfants.
Direction des funérailles : Salon funéraire Adam
Reported as having been published or sourced on or about 2021/03/10.
The information was at the time and may yet be available here, on an Internet service,
access to which may or may not also be subject to a subscription.
- [S0000100001] Find a Grave (A subsidiary of Ancestry),
Ancestry's Find A Grave Indices / Catalogues, (Find a Grave (A subsidiary of Ancestry)).
An online memorial for "Marie-Rose Allec de Rocquigny 9 Mar 2021"
can be reviewed on the public and free Find a Grave service.
It may offer connections to his or her parents, siblings, children, and generations beyond.
It may also contain stories that are not documented on your host's tree or this website.
Your host has graciously offered an image file identified as a document
with a title of "Findagrave Marie-Rose Allec de Rocquigny",
and has reported details about it as follows:
No further description was provided
Presented as pertaining to Haywood, Portage la Prairie Census Division, Manitoba, Canada on 9 Mar 2021
The pertinent institution was not identified
Though there may be such, no people have been identified by the contributor as having been mentioned in the document
Media / Image (jpg - [jpeg]; image - document])
File size: 26256 bytes; Image size (pixels): 250 wide by 228 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Or it can also be viewed on this site, which may also require a subscription.
Ancestry record number reported as: 56c633f5-c832-4a40-b81f-ee8cce3200f0
- [S0000300001] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Portraits [SD], (Various).
Your host has offered a file identified as an image of a portrait
with a title of "Obituary photo - Marie-Rose Juliette (Allec) de Rocquigny (1921)",
and has reported details about it as follows:
Described as: Obituary photo for Marie-Rose Juliette (Allec) de Rocquigny (1921)
NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original
Published in Saint-Claude, RM of Grey, Manitoba, Canada, on Abt. 2016
Media / Image (jpg - [jpeg]; image - [portrait])
File size: 217050 bytes; Image size (pixels): 400 wide by 516 high
Available for viewing with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Ancestry record number reported as: bb2420f9-6c31-47ab-9c04-383b9d4b6b9d
- [S0000300005] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Images of documents [SD], (Various).
Your host has graciously offered an image file identified as a document
with a title of "Findagrave Marie-Rose Allec de Rocquigny",
and has reported details about it as follows:
No further description was provided
Presented as pertaining to Haywood, Portage la Prairie Census Division, Manitoba, Canada on 9 Mar 2021
The pertinent institution was not identified
Though there may be such, no people have been identified by the contributor as having been mentioned in the document
Media / Image (jpg - [jpeg]; image - document])
File size: 26256 bytes; Image size (pixels): 250 wide by 228 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Or it can also be viewed on this site, which may also require a subscription.
Ancestry record number reported as: 56c633f5-c832-4a40-b81f-ee8cce3200f0
- [S0000100001] Find a Grave (A subsidiary of Ancestry),
Ancestry's Find A Grave Indices / Catalogues, (Find a Grave (A subsidiary of Ancestry)).
An online memorial for "Francois de Rocquigny 1975"
can be reviewed on the public and free Find a Grave service.
It may offer connections to his or her parents, siblings, children, and generations beyond.
It may also contain stories that are not documented on your host's tree or this website.
- [S1569074774] .
A contributor has cited material deemed to be pertinent to this story.
It is described as "Haywood history, 1907-2007".
It was described specifically or transcribed by them as "Various passages that recount the stories of various de Rocquigny family members during their time in the area around Haywood, RM of Grey, MB, CANADA".
Reported as having been published or sourced on or about 2007.
The information was at the time and may yet be available here, on an Internet service,
access to which may or may not also be subject to a subscription.