Sources |
- [S1502254493],
Ancestry Family Trees (Public and Private), (Online publication - Provo, UT, USA:
Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.).
A contributor has cited material deemed to be pertinent to this story.
It is described as "Ancestry Family Tree".
Another researcher's profile of this person
Another researcher's profile of this person
Another researcher's profile of this person
Another researcher's profile of this person
- [S0000100001] Find a Grave (A subsidiary of Ancestry),
Ancestry's Find A Grave Indices / Catalogues, (Find a Grave (A subsidiary of Ancestry)).
As noted on the service in this Records Collection item
- [S1563291627] Winnipeg Free Press,
Passages Service of the WFP (Web)[SD], (Winnipeg Free Press
Located in: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada), N/A.
A contributor has cited material deemed to be pertinent to this story.
It is described as "id-184765".
It was described specifically or transcribed by them as "ALPHONSE BOILY, BORN: AUG 07, 1929, DATE OF PASSING: NOV 12, 2011; C'est avec regret que nous annonçons le décès d'Alphonse Boily survenu à la Villa Youville le 12 novembre 2011. Alphonse est né à La Broquerie le 7 ao t 1929, fils de Pierre Boily e".t de Rhéa Bois. Bébé, il profite bien des soins de sa mère, car à neuf mois il pèse déjà 30 livres. Cela lui a valu le sobriquet de Buffalo qui l'a suivi tout au long de sa vie. Il est le neuvième de onze enfants. Il passe son enfance à La Broquerie à l'ombre de l'Eglise Saint-Joachim et de l'Ecole Saint-Joachim dirigée par les Soeurs Grises. Il se plaît à faire du sport avec ses frères et ses camarades. Il quitte l'école en 10e année pour travailler avec son père. Il exerce plusieurs métiers durant sa jeunesse : il creuse des puits avec son père et coupe du bois avec des oncles et des cousins. De cette génération d'hommes qui peuvent construire et réparer presque n'importe quoi, il pouvait faire de la menuiserie, de la plomberie, de la soudure, des installations électriques et de la mécanique. Il était généreux avec son temps et aidait à maintes reprises les amis et la famille ayant besoin de ses talents. Le 1er juillet 1950, il épouse Liliane Freynet. Le nouveau couple s'installe à La Broquerie dans une maison construite par Alphonse. Il est gérant de La Caisse Populaire de La Broquerie. Le travail est risqué - il sera victime, avec Liliane et son frère, Georges, d'un vol à main armée. Heureusement, l'incident se termine sans blessure! En 1962, il décroche un poste à Manitoba Hydro à Steinbach. En peu de temps, il est promu au poste d'opérateur de camion avec foreuse pour poteaux. Alphonse aime beaucoup son travail qu'il exécute parfaitement! Les lignes de poteaux qu'il plante sont droites comme une flèche. Il est toujours fier de nous montrer son travail. Parfois, il vient à la maison avec son camion et il nous fait monter dans la nacelle. Quel plaisir pour nous! En 1970, il installe les poteaux pour sécuriser l'estrade qui accueillera la Reine Elizabeth II lors de son passage à Saint-Pierre-Jolys. C'est un travail qu'il considère comme un grand honneur...une histoire qu'il raconte souvent. Farceur accompli, Alphonse a un répertoire de blagues qui devait se chiffrer dans les centaines. Doté d'une belle voix, il nous divertit en entonnant des chants traditionnels durant les fêtes de famille. Il prend plaisir à jouer sa musique à bouche, ce qu'il fait même durant ses derniers jours à la Villa Youville. Retraité de Manitoba Hydro en 1993, il s'occupe de projets autour de la maison. La retraite est un temps privilégié qui lui permet d'approfondir sa foi catholique. Il place toute sa confiance dans la Sainte Vierge et récite le chapelet tous les jours. Athlète depuis toujours, Alphonse joue au baseball et au hockey avec l'équipe des Habs de La Broquerie. Plus tard, il profite de chaque occasion de pratiquer ses sports préférés : le ski de fond et le cyclisme. Par deux fois, il participe à la randonnée de vélo de 150 km de la Société de la sclérose en plaques et prélève beaucoup d'argent pour cette cause. Durant la dernière année, Alphonse est atteint de maladie. Après plusieurs séjours à l'Hôpital de Sainte-Anne, il est accueilli à la Villa Youville. La famille tient à remercier vivement tout le personnel de ces deux institutions, en particulier le Dr Richard Duval, pour les soins compatissants. Ce dernier a aussi été un appui pour Liliane durant cette épreuve. La famille tient aussi à exprimer sa profonde gratitude aux Soeurs Grises Irène Rioux et Marguerite Forest pour leur présence réconfortante auprès d'Alphonse. Leur accompagnement spirituel a aussi été un soutien inestimable pour la famille. Il laisse dans le deuil son épouse, Liliane et ses enfants : Carmelle (Philippe), Gérald, Pierrette (Janine), Carole (Karen), Lynne et Bertrand. Ses huit petits-enfants : Pierric, Josée-Anne, Chloé (Brad), Matthieu, Hugo, Alana, Simon et Julien et un arrière-petit-fils, Dominic. Il laisse aussi ses frères Wilfrid (Jessie), Georges (Béatrice), Marcien (Denise) et sa soeur Jeannette (Euclide) et ses belles-soeurs Fabiana Boily, Lucile Freynet et Yolande Freynet et son beau frère Joseph Cinq-Mars. Alphonse fut précédé par ses parents, son frère Lucien, ses soeurs Blanche, Elisabeth, Marguerite, Thérèse et Yvonne. La célébration des funérailles aura lieu en l'Eglise de Saint-Joachim à La Broquerie le 17 novembre 2011, suivie de l'inhumation des cendres au cimetière de la paroisse Saint-Joachim. Vos témoignages de sympathie peuvent se traduire par un don à la Paroisse Saint-Joachim de La Broquerie, C. P. 129, La Broquerie (Manitoba), R0A 0W0. La direction des funérailles a été confiée au Salon mortuaire Birchwood.
ALPHONSE BOILY Sadly, we announce the passing of Alphonse Boily at the Villa Youville on November 12, 2011. Born in La Broquerie on August 7, 1929, Alphonse was the son of Pierre Boily and Rhéa Bois. Thriving in his mother's care, at nine months he already weighed 30 pounds. This earned him the nickname Buffalo which stayed with him for the rest of his life. He was the ninth of 11 children. He spent his childhood in La Broquerie near St. Joachim Church and St. Joachim School held by the Grey Nuns. He enjoyed sports with his brothers and friends. In grade 10, he left school to work with his father. He held several jobs in his youth: he dug wells with his father and worked in logging with uncles and cousins. Born of the generation of men able to build and repair almost anything, he could do carpentry, plumbing, welding, electrical and mechanics. Generous with his time and energy, he helped many friends and family members who needed assistance. On July 1, 1950, he married Liliane Freynet. The new couple eventually moved into a house in La Broquerie built by Alphonse. He was manager of the Caisse Populaire of La Broquerie. The work was risky. He, Liliane and his brother Georges were held up at gun point. Fortunately, the incident ended without injuries! In 1962, he accepted a position with Manitoba Hydro in Steinbach. He was soon promoted to the position of digger operator. Alphonse loved his job and executed it perfectly! His lines of installed poles were as straight as an arrow. He was proud to show his children his work. Sometimes he came home with the bucket truck and gave them rides up and down in the bucket. What a thrill for them! In 1970, he had the opportunity to install poles to secure the platform for the visit of Queen Elizabeth II in Saint-Pierre-Jolys. He considered it an honour and he often told the story. A born joker, Alphonse had a repertoire of jokes numbering in the hundreds. With his beautiful voice, he entertained the family at gatherings by singing traditional French-Canadian songs. He also enjoyed playing his harmonica, which he did even during his last days at the Villa Youville. After retiring from Manitoba Hydro in 1993, he did projects around the house and in the garage. Retirement gave him the time to deepen his Catholic faith. He placed great faith in the Blessed Virgin and recited the Rosary every day. Always an athlete, Alphonse played baseball and hockey on the La Broquerie Habs team. Later, he never missed an opportunity to practice his favourite sports, cross-country skiing and cycling. Twice, he participated in the 150 km. bike-a-thon of the Multiple Sclerosis Society and raised a lot of money for this cause. During the past year, Alphonse dealt with illness. After several stays at Ste. Anne Hospital, he was welcomed at the Villa Youville. The family wishes to thank all the staff of both institutions for their compassionate care. A sincere thank you to Dr. Richard Duval for the wonderful care he provided to Alphonse and for the support he offered Liliane during this time. The family also wishes to express its profound gratitude to Grey Nun Sisters Irène Rioux and Marguerite Forest for their comforting spiritual presence. He is survived by his wife, Liliane and his children: Carmelle (Philippe), Gérald, Pierrette (Janine), Carole (Karen), Lynne and Bertrand. His eight grandchildren: Pierric, Josée-Anne, Chloé (Brad), Matthieu, Hugo, Alana, Simon, Julien; and great-grandson Dominic. He also leaves to mourn, his brothers, Wilfrid (Jessie), Georges (Béatrice), Marcien (Denise); and his sister Jeannette (Euclide); and his sisters-in-law: Fabiana Boily, Lucile Freynet, Yolande Freynet; and his brother-in-law Joseph Cinq-Mars. Alphonse was predeceased by his parents; brother Lucien; and sisters, Blanche, Elisabeth, Marguerite, Thérèse and Yvonne. The funeral will be held in St. Joachim Church in La Broquerie on Thursday, November 17, 2011 at 2:00 p.m., followed by the interment of the cremated remains in St. Joachim Parish Cemetery in La Broquerie. Donations in Alphonse's memory can be made to St. Joachim Parish, P.O. Box 129, La Broquerie, Manitoba R0A 0W0. Arrangements by BIRCHWOOD FUNERAL CHAPEL
-- As published in Winnipeg Free Press on Nov 15, 2011
Reported as having been published or sourced on or about 2011/11/15.
The information was at the time and may yet be available here, on an Internet service,
access to which may or may not also be subject to a subscription.
- [S0000100001] Find a Grave (A subsidiary of Ancestry),
Ancestry's Find A Grave Indices / Catalogues, (Find a Grave (A subsidiary of Ancestry)).
An online memorial for "Alphonse Joseph Oscar Boily 12 Nov 2011"
can be reviewed on the public and free Find a Grave service.
It may offer connections to his or her parents, siblings, children, and generations beyond.
It may also contain stories that are not documented on your host's tree or this website.
Your host has graciously offered an image file identified as a document
with a title of "Findagrave Alphonse Joseph Oscar Boily",
and has reported details about it as follows:
No further description was provided
Presented as pertaining to La Broquerie, Steinbach Census Division, Manitoba, Canada on 12 Nov 2011
The pertinent institution was not identified
Though there may be such, no people have been identified by the contributor as having been mentioned in the document
Media / Image (jpg - [jpeg]; image - document])
File size: 18013 bytes; Image size (pixels): 250 wide by 182 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Or it can also be viewed on this site, which may also require a subscription.
Ancestry record number reported as: 14fba70f-1c2d-4299-a90c-e5b17ee93472
- [S0000300001] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Portraits [SD], (Various).
Another contributor has offered a file identified as an image of a portrait
with a title of "Alphonse Boily",
and has reported details about it as follows:
No further description was provided
Published in An unknown location, on An unknown date
Media / Image (jpg - [jpeg]; image - [portrait])
File size: 9378 bytes; Image size (pixels): 220 wide by 220 high
Available for viewing with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Ancestry record number reported as: 35bf9015-0887-4be2-88d4-2d028fecd3a9
- [S0000300005] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Images of documents [SD], (Various).
Your host has graciously offered an image file identified as a document
with a title of "Findagrave Alphonse Joseph Oscar Boily",
and has reported details about it as follows:
No further description was provided
Presented as pertaining to La Broquerie, Steinbach Census Division, Manitoba, Canada on 12 Nov 2011
The pertinent institution was not identified
Though there may be such, no people have been identified by the contributor as having been mentioned in the document
Media / Image (jpg - [jpeg]; image - document])
File size: 18013 bytes; Image size (pixels): 250 wide by 182 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Or it can also be viewed on this site, which may also require a subscription.
Ancestry record number reported as: 14fba70f-1c2d-4299-a90c-e5b17ee93472
- [S0000300007] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Stories in files [SD], (Various).
Your host has offered a data file identified as containing a story
with a title of "Wilfrid Joseph Antoine Boily - Winnipeg Free Press Passages Obituary",
and has reported details about it as follows:
Described as: Wilfrid Joseph Antoine Boily - Winnipeg Free Press Passages Obituary
NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original
Reported as pertaining to Winnipeg, Greater Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, on 6 Dec 2011
File details: [pdf - pdf; story - story]
File size: 364394 bytes; Image size (pixels): 0 wide by 0 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Ancestry record number reported as: f703f857-bcfa-424a-b06b-8136779c0c5a
- [S1502254493],
Ancestry Family Trees (Public and Private), (Online publication - Provo, UT, USA:
Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.).
A contributor has cited material deemed to be pertinent to this story.
It is described as "Ancestry Family Tree".