Rick Dondo's Family Tree

Family: Sierens, Laurent Richard "Lorne" / Pilla, Florence Rose (F5987)

m. 1950

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  • Sierens, Laurent Richard "Lorne" Male
    Sierens, Laurent Richard "Lorne"

    Birth  8 Apr 1921  Mariapolis, RM of Lorne, Manitoba, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location
    Death  17 Dec 2013  Notre Dame de Lourdes, RM of Lorne, Manitoba, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location
    Burial  Aft. 17 Dec 2013  Saint Martin de Tours Roman Catholic Cemetery, Swan Lake, Pilot Mound Census Division, Manitoba, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location
    Marriage  1950  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Manitoba, Canada  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7Find all individuals with events at this location
    Type  Spousal 
    Father  Sierens, Augustus "August" | F5541 Group Sheet 
    Mother  Ide, Martha Margareta | F5541 Group Sheet 

    Pilla, Florence Rose Female
    Pilla, Florence Rose

    Birth  7 Apr 1932  Flin Flon, Manitoba, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location
    Death  16 Jul 2015  Swan Lake, RM of Lorne, Manitoba, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location
    Burial  Aft. 16 Jul 2015  Saint Martin de Tours Roman Catholic Cemetery, Swan Lake, Pilot Mound Census Division, Manitoba, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location
    Father  Pilla, Francis August "Frank" | F2655 Group Sheet 
    Mother  Stroesser, Maria Catharina "Mary" "Catherine" | F2655 Group Sheet 

  • Sources 
    1. [S1502254493] Ancestry.com,
      Ancestry Family Trees (Public and Private), (Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com.
      Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.).
      A contributor has cited material deemed to be pertinent to this story.
      It is described as "Ancestry Family Tree".

    2. [S1509984359] Ancestry.com, U.S., Cemetery and Funeral Home Collection, 1847-2016, (Ancestry.com Operations Inc), Call Number not provided.
      A contributor has cited material deemed to be pertinent to this story.
      It is described as "Publication Date: 22/ Aug/ 2014; Publication Place: Glenboro, Manitoba, Canada".

    3. [S1509984359] Ancestry.com, U.S., Cemetery and Funeral Home Collection, 1847-2016, (Ancestry.com Operations Inc), Call Number not provided.

      As noted on the Ancestry.com service in this Records Collection item

      It is described as "Publication Date: 22/ Aug/ 2014; Publication Place: Glenboro, Manitoba, Canada".

    4. [S1502288945] Ancestry.com, Canada, Obituary Collection, 1898-2015, (Ancestry.com Operations Inc), Call Number not provided.
      A contributor has cited material deemed to be pertinent to this story.
      It is described as "Publication Date: 21/ Dec/ 2013; Publication Place: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada".

    5. [S1502288945] Ancestry.com, Canada, Obituary Collection, 1898-2015, (Ancestry.com Operations Inc), Call Number not provided.

      As noted on the Ancestry.com service in this Records Collection item

      It is described as "Publication Date: 21/ Dec/ 2013; Publication Place: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada".

    6. [S1563291627] Winnipeg Free Press,
      Passages Service of the WFP (Web)[SD], (Winnipeg Free Press Located in: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada), N/A.
      A contributor has cited material deemed to be pertinent to this story.
      It is described as "id-226867".
      Further: "https://www.afh.ca/obituary/Florence-Sierens".

      It was described specifically or transcribed by them as "FLORENCE ROSE SIERENS, DATE OF PASSING: JUL 16, 2015; FLORENCE ROSE SIERENS (nee PILLA) With heavy hearts and immense sadness we announce the passing of Florence Rose Sierens of Swan Lake, Manitoba. Our dear Florence passed away on Thursday, July 1".6, 2015 at the Lorne Memorial Hospital in Swan Lake, MB at the age of 83 years. Left to mourn Florence's passing are her beloved children Rick (Ramona) of Somerset, Pat (Armand) Van Woensel of Swan Lake, Dan (Sue) of Swan Lake, Jim (Treena) of Swan Lake, Kathy (Marc) Labossiere of Winnipeg, Andy (Michelle) of Whitecourt, AB, Colleen (Mike) Berard of Notre Dame, and Tracey (Emile) Desrochers of Ile des Chenes, 21 grandchildren, Mandy Brooking (Van Woensel), Vanessa Jamault (Sierens), Amy Perreault (Van Woensel), Neal Van Woensel, Ashley Dunn (Sierens), Steven Sierens, Tiffany Fath (Sierens), Lindsay Arthur (Sierens), Jason Sierens, Mario Labossiere, Paul Sierens, Derek Sierens, Jenna Labossiere, Jolyn Berard, Justin Berard, Cole Sierens, Breanne Desrochers, Jordyn Sierens, Natalie Desrochers, Martin Desrochers, and Jessica Berard, and 18 great-grandchildren. Also left to mourn Florence's passing are sister-in-law Marg Pilla and brothers-in-law Slim De Wit and Al Brandt, as well as numerous nieces, nephews and friends. Florence was predeceased by her beloved husband Lorne Sierens, her parents Frank and Mary, her stepmother Lil, her brother Art Pilla, sisters Frances Lenz and Marge De Wit, brothers-in-law Al Lenz, Marcel Sierens, Robert Rigaux, and sisters-in-law Denise Brandt, Alma Rigaux, and Celestine Sierens. Mom was born in Flin Flon, MB on April 7, 1932. As a young girl, her family moved to Baldur, MB. That is where she met the love of her life, Dad. They were married in 1950 and began life in the Oakhill District on the home farm north of Swan Lake, MB. There she and Dad raised eight children. Mom's greatest joy was her family and the most important thing to her was having her family together - the more the merrier. She always looked forward to family visits and when someone had to leave she would always say "are you going already"? It didn't matter if you had been there for 10 minutes or four hours. She had a close connection with her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Showing her love by knitting countless blankets, mitts, scarves, slippers, socks and doll clothes you name it she would tackle it. Every time the grandkids would leave they would sneak away with a loaf or two of bread and a jar of homemade dill pickles, and if we were lucky, she would send some home with us too. She took pride in her garden and yard spending numerous hours weeding, planting, picking and pruning. She was very devoted to Dad caring for him for many years after he suffered a stroke. She was a wonderful caregiver not only to Dad but also to the entire family. She instilled a great work ethic in all her children. There was time for work but, there was also time for play. Mom and Dad loved travelling, they would pack up the car, the camper and all the kids. It was work getting to our destinations yet, we all reaped the rewards of the many trips out west, camping and taking in all the sights. Some of our destinations included The Black Hills, Lake Louise, Victoria, BC, Phoenix, AZ, Spruce Woods and many weekends at Lake 7. They also enjoyed vacationing with friends making their way down south to get away from the cold winters. These occasions were often spoke of by Mom and Dad and were very precious to both of them. If friends so desire, donations may be made in Mom's memory to The Lorne Memorial Health Foundation (Palliative Care Designation), P.O. Box 40, Swan Lake, Manitoba, R0G 2S0, The Manitoba Lung Association, or to a charity of one's choice. Funeral services will be held in the St. Gerard Parish, Bruxelles, MB, on Friday, July 24, 2015. Memorial Service at 12:30 p.m. followed by Mass of the Christian Burial at 1:00 p.m. with Father Armand Le Gal as celebrant. Private family interment will be held in the St. Martin of Tours Parish Cemetery, Swan Lake, MB. Adam's Funeral Home of Notre Dame, MB in care of arrangements.

      -- As published in Winnipeg Free Press on Jul 22, 2015

      Reported as having been published or sourced on or about 2015/07/22.

      The information was at the time and may yet be available here, on an Internet service,
      access to which may or may not also be subject to a subscription.

    7. [S1563291627] Winnipeg Free Press,
      Passages Service of the WFP (Web)[SD], (Winnipeg Free Press Located in: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada), N/A.
      A contributor has cited material deemed to be pertinent to this story.
      It is described as "id-208842".
      Further: "Online condolences may be made at https://www.willmorchapel.com/obituary/Laurent-Sierens".

      It was described specifically or transcribed by them as "LAURENT RICHARD (LORNE) SIERENS, BORN: APR 08, 1921, DATE OF PASSING: DEC 17, 2013; With heavy hearts and immense sadness we announce the passing of Laurent Richard "Lorne" Sierens of Swan Lake, MB. Our dear Lorne passed away on Tuesday, December 1".7, 2013, at the Foyer Notre Dame in Notre Dame de Lourdes, MB at the age of 92 years. Left to mourn Lorne's passing are his beloved wife of 63 years, Florence (nee Pilla) of Swan Lake, his children Rick (Ramona) of Somerset, Pat (Armand) Van Woensel of Swan Lake, Dan (Sue) of Swan Lake, Jim (Treena) of Swan Lake, Kathy (Marc) Labossiere of Winnipeg, Andy (Michelle) of Whitecourt, AB, Colleen (Mike) Berard of Notre Dame, Tracey (Emile) Desrochers of Ile des Chenes, 21 grandchildren: Mandy Brooking (Van Woensel), Vanessa Jamault (Sierens), Amy Perreault (Van Woensel), Neal Van Woensel, Ashley Dunn (Sierens), Steven Sierens, Tiffany Fath (Sierens), Lindsay Arthur (Sierens), Jason Sierens, Mario Labossiere, Paul Sierens, Derek Sierens, Jenna Labossiere, Jolyn Berard, Justin Berard, Cole Sierens, Breanne Desrochers, Jordyn Sierens, Natalie Desrochers, Martin Desrochers, Jessica Berard, and 15 great-grandchildren. Also left to mourn Lorne's passing are sisters-in-law Celestine Sierens and Marg Pilla, and brothers-in-law Slim De Wit and Al Brandt, as well as numerous nieces, nephews and friends. Lorne was predeceased by his parents August and Martha (Ide), sisters Alma Rigaux and Denise Brandt, brother Marcel, and in-laws: Art Pilla, Marge De Wit, (Pilla), Frances Lenz, (Pilla) and Al Lenz. Mass of Christian Burial will be held from the St. Martin of Tours Catholic Church, Swan Lake, MB at 11:00 a.m., Monday, December 23, 2013, Father Armand Le Gal celebrant. Private family interment will be held in the St. Martin of Tours Parish Cemetery. Lorne Sierens was born on a farm near Mariapolis, MB on April 8, 1921. He attended St. Albert School. At a very young age he discovered his musical gift and soon learned how to play a button accordion. After school and working on the home farm near Mariapolis he would enlist into the Royal Canadian Air Force during the Second World War. Dad's duty in the Air Force was an aero-engine mechanic. He was stationed in several locations some of which are: Souris, MB, Gimli, MB and Toronto ON. He received his honourable discharge from R.C.A.F. at the end of the Second World War. After the war he attended the University of Manitoba, graduating in 1948 with a Diploma in Agriculture. That same year he purchased his farm north of Swan Lake and began his life long farming career and set down roots. During that time he would also work with the local journeyman electrician during the rural electrification era, wiring farms and homes throughout the local area. Lorne married Florence Pilla in 1950; this was the love of his life. Together they raised eight children, four girls and four boys. His family would be what was most important to him. Dad remained on the farm for over 65 years until October of this year. While farming he grew cereal and oilseed crops and raised cattle and hogs. He had a fondness for animals and their well being. As a young farmer, Lorne would introduce the use of herbicides to many neighbours by offering a custom spraying service. As a farmer and gifted handyman and to make farm work easier, Dad would design and build things like his own farm front end loader. He and his brother would build their own first electric arc (stick welders), numerous complex repairs, engine overhauls, building renovations and all of those things that would be required of a busy farming operation. Dad took particular interest in all things that grew around him and had an extraordinary ability to identify weeds, plants and trees in most cases knowing their common name, genus, scientific name and plant family. With that, he also had a keen interest and knew many of the insect orders and the various animal groups, their scientific names, orders and families. He had a great understanding of the world he lived in. He found great enjoyment in horticulture. Dad truly loved to grow things, even when he was 80 years old he planted approximately 200 Walker poplars and about 400 Villosa lilac, part of his lifelong commitment to conservation and shelterbelt establishment. While farming Dad was a Manitoba Crop Insurance agent from 1964 to 1971, later and during his farming career he worked part time at Van's Lumber, and became Reeve of the R.M. of Lorne in 1983. He served as Reeve for 15 years, retiring from public service in 1998. Lorne was a very active participant in community affairs; he was a 4-H leader for 10 years, Lorne Memorial Hospital Board Chairman for nine years, Chamber of Commerce Director, Member of the Pembina Valley Conservation Board, Lorne-Argyle-Somerset Weed Control District Board Chairman, School Board Trustee, Trustee of Bruxelles Parish Council, Knight of Columbus, President of Swan Lake Legion Branch #126, Royal Canadian Legion Zone Commander and had a leading role in the Tri-Lakes Development Group. In 1989, he was appointed Chairperson by the Lieutenant Governor for the Appeal Tribunal for Manitoba Crop Insurance serving nine years. All of his active life, he served on various community boards and committees too numerous to mention. Dad was recognized for his many achievements and was awarded these Second World War and Royal Canadian Legion medals: Canadian Voluntary Service Medal, The 1939 to 1945 Star (Medal), Past Zone Commander Medal and the Legion 50 Year Long Service Medal. In 1992 he received the Commemorative Medal for the 125th Anniversary of Confederation and Her Majesty The Queen Golden Jubilee Medal in 2002. These were awarded to citizens in recognition of substantial and significant contribution to Compatriots, community and Canada. He received the Manitoba Conservation Builder Award in 2002, recognizing his life commitment to conservation sustainability. Dad had many interests and hobbies, in particular his gift of music, playing music and singing was high on his list of pastime activities. As a soloist, he sang at many weddings and funerals in the area over the years. Dad sang as a soloist in the Bruxelles Choir and with the Belgian Entertainers in Folklorama (Winnipeg) and The Festival of Nations (South Central Region). He played accordion as member of many orchestras and bands throughout the years such as the Altamont Orchestra, Bruxelles Band and the Dusters. As part of his musical interest he, with the Bruxelles Choir, recorded a CD where he performed as the soloist. His love of the arts also had him play a leading role as The Bishop' in See How They Run' a 1989 production of the Tiger Hills Drama Society. Dad also had a great love of the outdoors. He would often be fishing with children and grandchildren just a few miles from his home, and he also went on many fishing trips with his family and friends. Dad enjoyed traveling, camping, golfing, snowmobiles and ATVs, curling, hunting, and a variety of pastime activities. During retirement he brewed beer, made excellent wine, designed and built countless well-crafted wooden ornaments and household items. Dad certainly had a handiness about him, truly talented and was good at most everything he did. He had an impeccable memory. He was very proud of how a photo of his family's farm was used in and was featured on: postcards, coffee cups, key chains, pens, etc., and these items could be found for sale at airports and various gift shops throughout the prairies. With all of Dad's work achievements, community and public service accomplishments, Dad was most proud of his family, especially his dearest Florence, and of all of his undertakings this was by far what was of the utmost of importance to him and his family was truly only what was significant to him. Dad was a very exceptional person, a loving husband, loving father, teacher, mentor, friend and neighbour always willing to lend a hand or thoughtful advice. He always had time for his family, was always particularly interested in what they were doing, their interests and achievements. Dad had a very special love and relationship with each of them, including his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Everyone felt special to him and shared a very special affection with him. It would be remiss not to mention the very genuine fondness he held for everyone he interacted with, whether that was a friend, neighbour, schoolmate, comrade, fellow board / committee member, colleague, or constituent. Dad was often described as a generous person, loved and loving, honest, respectful, genuine, clever, talented, humorous, hard working and fair. He never felt a right to entitlement and was thankful for all of God's gifts. He will always be in our hearts, forever in our thoughts, always sadly missed and forever loved. Dear God, Bless our Lorne, guide and protect him, keep him well. If friends so desire, donations may be made in Dad's memory to The Lorne Memorial Health Foundation (Palliative Care Designation), P.O. Box 40, Swan Lake, MB R0G 2S0; The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Manitoba, 6 Donald St., Winnipeg, MB R3L 0K6, or to a charity of one's choice. Jamieson's Funeral Service of Holland, MB in care of arrangements

      -- As published in the Winnipeg Free Press on Dec 21, 2013

      Reported as having been published or sourced on or about 2013/12/21.

      The information was at the time and may yet be available here, on an Internet service,
      access to which may or may not also be subject to a subscription.