Sources |
- [S1502254493],
Ancestry Family Trees (Public and Private), (Online publication - Provo, UT, USA:
Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.).
A contributor has cited material deemed to be pertinent to this story.
It is described as "Ancestry Family Tree".
- [S0000100001] Find a Grave (A subsidiary of Ancestry),
Ancestry's Find A Grave Indices / Catalogues, (Find a Grave (A subsidiary of Ancestry)).
An online memorial for "Lucie Marie Madeleine Pantel Boisvert 22 Nov 2010"
can be reviewed on the public and free Find a Grave service.
It may offer connections to his or her parents, siblings, children, and generations beyond.
It may also contain stories that are not documented on your host's tree or this website.
Your host has graciously offered an image file identified as a document
with a title of "Findagrave Lucie Marie Madeleine Pantel Boisvert",
and has reported details about it as follows:
No further description was provided
Presented as pertaining to Notre Dame de Lourdes, Central Manitoba Census Division, Manitoba, Canada on 22 Nov 2010
The pertinent institution was not identified
Though there may be such, no people have been identified by the contributor as having been mentioned in the document
Media / Image (jpg - [jpeg]; image - document])
File size: 21589 bytes; Image size (pixels): 250 wide by 174 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Or it can also be viewed on this site, which may also require a subscription.
Ancestry record number reported as: a067007c-912f-4939-9d8c-193199145b68
- [S0000100001] Find a Grave (A subsidiary of Ancestry),
Ancestry's Find A Grave Indices / Catalogues, (Find a Grave (A subsidiary of Ancestry)).
An online memorial for "Maurice Boisvert 2005"
can be reviewed on the public and free Find a Grave service.
It may offer connections to his or her parents, siblings, children, and generations beyond.
It may also contain stories that are not documented on your host's tree or this website.
Your host has graciously offered an image file identified as a document
with a title of "Findagrave Maurice Boisvert",
and has reported details about it as follows:
No further description was provided
Presented as pertaining to Notre Dame de Lourdes, Central Manitoba Census Division, Manitoba, Canada on 2005
The pertinent institution was not identified
Though there may be such, no people have been identified by the contributor as having been mentioned in the document
Media / Image (jpg - [jpeg]; image - document])
File size: 21589 bytes; Image size (pixels): 250 wide by 174 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Or it can also be viewed on this site, which may also require a subscription.
Ancestry record number reported as: 7a81fa6a-77d0-4498-8177-2b139cc19240
- [S1568935914] Adam's Funeral Home,
Adam's Funeral Home Online Obituaries (Web)[SD], (Adam's Funeral Home).
A contributor has cited material deemed to be pertinent to this story.
It is described as "Maurice-BoisvertSr".
It was described specifically or transcribed by them as "Maurice Boisvert Sr., February 7, 2005; (1917 - 2005); Paisiblement dans son sommeil à l'hôpital de Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes, est décédé Maurice Boisvert le 7 février à l'âge de 87 ans.".
Maurice est né le 6 mars 1917 dans la maison de ses parents au sud de Cardinal. Il était le 7e enfant d'une famille de 8. Ses parents Joseph Boisvert et Éva Gareau l'ont précédé dans la tombe lorsqu'il était encore très jeune ainsi que 2 frères et 4 sœurs: S. Bertha (Sœur Marie-Archangela), Éméla LaFrance, Adélard et Yvonne décédés en bas âge, S. Yvonne et Adrien.
En 1939 il a épousé sa bien-aimée Lucie Pantel qu'il laisse dans le deuil après 65 ans de mariage. Il laisse aussi dans le deuil dix enfants : Normand (Léonie), Lorraine, Joseph (Catherine), Roland (Yvette), Aurèle (Rachel), Estelle, Marcel (Linda), Ronald (Anita), Maurice (Rita) et Roseline (Charles). Les 17 petits-enfants manqueront beaucoup leur grand-père : Alain (Louise), Ray-Allen (Chantelle), Denise (William), Samuel, Richard, Joelle (Michael), Christine (David), Stéphane, Pascal, Jonathan, Dominique, Noël, Jacqueline, Josée, Daniel, Claude et Nicole en plus de 10 arrière-petits-enfants. Il laisse aussi dans le deuil sa sœur Irène Leece, et ses quatre belles-sœurs: Angèle Brundige, Jeanne Fouasse, Marie Comte et Suzanne Comte et ainsi que de nombreux neveux et nièces.
Maurice a passé presque toute sa vie à Lourdes sur la ferme paternelle. Le métier de fermier qu'il a exécuté avec beaucoup passion et d'ardeur, lui a apporté beaucoup de satisfaction. Faire les foins et les battages avec les voisins lui étaient très chers. Il avait un profond attachement à sa communauté de Lourdes et il était davantage reconnaissant pour le support reçu lorsque sa santé a commence à l'affaiblir. Il nous rappelait souvent les bons soins reçus à domicile et l'attention particulière qu'il recevait des médecins et de tout le personnel de l'hôpital.
La famille remercie le Grand Maître, qui lui a accordé 22 années de santé de plus après qu'un diagnostique avait indiqué qu'il avait un cancer terminal en 1983.
On se souviendra toujours de son bon sens d'humour qu'il garda jusqu'à la fin ainsi que de sa grande générosité à l'égard de toute sa famille.
Adieu mon cher époux, papa, grand-père.
Ton talent de raconteur, ta bonne humeur,
ta compréhension et ton support,
seront gravés pour toujours en notre coeur.
Les funérailles auront lieu à 14 h le samedi 12 février en l'église de Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes, précédées par les prières à 13h30. Aussi il y aura des prières le vendredi 11 février à 19h30 au Salon funéraire Adam.
Au lieu de fleurs, vous pouvez faire un don à Francofonds Inc.,a/s Fonds communautaire du Coin Amitié (déficients mentaux), 215-340, boulevard Provencher, Saint-Boniface (Manitoba) R2H 0G7.
La direction des funérailles a été confiée au Salon funéraire Adam de Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes
Peacefully in his sleep at the hospital in Notre Dame de Lourdes, Maurice Boisvert passed away on February 7 at the age of 87 years.
Maurice was born on March 6, 1917 in the house of his parents South of Cardinal. He was the 7th child of a family of 8. His parents, Joseph Boisvert and Éva Gareau predeceased him when he was still very young as well as 2 brothers and 6 sisters: Sr. Bertha (Sister Marie-Archangela), Éméla LaFrance, Adélard and Yvonne at a young age, Sister Yvonne and Adrien.
He will be lovingly remembered by his wife of 65 years, Lucie Pantel. He also leaves behind 10 children: Normand (Léonie), Lorraine, Joseph (Catherine), Roland (Yvette), Aurèle (Rachel), Estelle, Marcel (Linda), Ronald (Anita), Maurice (Rita) and Roseline (Charles). His 17 grandchildren will miss him greatly: Alain (Louise), Ray-Allen (Chantelle), Denise (William), Samuel, Richard, Joelle (Michael), Christine (David), Stéphane, Pascal, Jonathan, Dominque, Noël, Jacqueline, Josée, Daniel, Claude and Nicole as well as 10 great-grandchildren. He also leaves in mourning his sister Irène Leece and four sisters-in-law: Angèle Brundige, Jeanne Fouasse, Marie Comte and Suzanne Comte and also many nephews and nieces.
Maurice spent most of his life in Lourdes on the family farm. Farming which he performed with great passion and zeal brought him great personnel satisfaction. Haymaking and harvesting with his neighbors were very important times for him. He had a profound attachment to his community of Lourdes and was very grateful for the support he received when his health started to fail. He often reminded us about the good home care he was receiving and the meticulous attention he received from the doctors and the staff of the hospital.
The family is thankful to our Lord, who gave him 22 more healthy years after having being diagnosed with a terminal cancer in 1983.
We will always remember his good sense of humour which he kept until the very end and also his great generosity towards his family.
Farewell, my dear husband, dad, grandpa.
Your talent as a storyteller, your good sense of humour,
your understanding and your support
will be engraved in our hearts forever.
The funeral service will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday February 12, in the Parish Church of Notre Dame de Lourdes preceded by prayers at 1:30 p.m. Also there will be prayers on Friday February 11 at 7:30 p.m. at the Adam's Funeral Home.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in the memory of Maurice to: Francofonds Inc. c/o Fonds communautaire du Coin Amitié (for the mentally handicapped), 215-340, Provencher Boulevard, St. Boniface, MB R2H 0G7.
Adam's Funeral Home, Notre Dame de Lourdes, in care of arrangements
Reported as having been published or sourced on or about 2005/02/08.
The information was at the time and may yet be available here, on an Internet service,
access to which may or may not also be subject to a subscription.