Rick Dondo's Family Tree
Family: Malo, Arthur Louis / Chabot, Marie Louise (F3824)
m. 26 Nov 1889
Malo, Arthur Louis
Birth 19 Nov 1864 Saint-Pie-de-Bagotville, Canada East, British North America Death 25 Oct 1943 Saint-Boniface, Manitoba, Canada Burial Aft. 25 Oct 1943 Saint Malo Catholic Cemetery, Saint-Malo, Steinbach Census Division, Manitoba, Canada Marriage 26 Nov 1889 [1, 2, 3, 4] Saint-Pierre-Jolys, RM of De Salaberry, Manitoba, Canada [1, 2, 3, 4] Type Spousal Other Spouse Monté-Chabot, Elizabeth | F3827 (Spousal) Marriage 17 Oct 1896 RM of De Salaberry, Manitoba, Canada Other Spouse Cote, Marie | F5157 (Spousal) Marriage 26 Aug 1906 RM of Ritchot, Manitoba, Canada Other Spouse Gratton, Felicite | F1702 (Spousal) Marriage 8 Oct 1929 Saint-Boniface, Manitoba, Canada Father Malo, Louis | F5074 Group Sheet Mother Messier, Lucie | F5074 Group Sheet
Chabot, Marie Louise
Sources - [S1502254493] Ancestry.com,
Ancestry Family Trees (Public and Private), (Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com.
Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.).
A contributor has cited material deemed to be pertinent to this story.
It is described as "Ancestry Family Tree". - [S1569074774] Various,
UofMB Library Digital Collections (Web)[SD], (Various).
A contributor has cited material deemed to be pertinent to this story.
It is described as "Saint-Malo Dufrost La Rochelle (Manitoba) 1892-1992".
It was described specifically or transcribed by them as "Various passages that recount the stories of various Malo family members during their time in the area around Saint-Malo, RM of De Salaberry, MB, CANADA".
Reported as having been published or sourced on or about 1994.
The information was at the time and may yet be available here, on an Internet service,
access to which may or may not also be subject to a subscription.
- [S0000100001] Find a Grave (A subsidiary of Ancestry),
Ancestry's Find A Grave Indices / Catalogues, (Find a Grave (A subsidiary of Ancestry)).
An online memorial for "Arthur Malo 1943"
can be reviewed on the public and free Find a Grave service.
It may offer connections to his or her parents, siblings, children, and generations beyond.
It may also contain stories that are not documented on your host's tree or this website.
Your host has graciously offered an image file identified as a document
with a title of "Findagrave Arthur Malo",
and has reported details about it as follows:
No further description was provided
Presented as pertaining to Saint-Malo, Steinbach Census Division, Manitoba, Canada on 1943
The pertinent institution was not identified
Though there may be such, no people have been identified by the contributor as having been mentioned in the document
Media / Image (jpg - [jpeg]; image - document])
File size: 18418 bytes; Image size (pixels): 250 wide by 188 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Or it can also be viewed on this site, which may also require a subscription.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S0000100001] Find a Grave (A subsidiary of Ancestry),
Ancestry's Find A Grave Indices / Catalogues, (Find a Grave (A subsidiary of Ancestry)).
An online memorial for "Marie Louise Chabot Malo 6 Apr 1896"
can be reviewed on the public and free Find a Grave service.
It may offer connections to his or her parents, siblings, children, and generations beyond.
It may also contain stories that are not documented on your host's tree or this website.
Your host has graciously offered an image file identified as a document
with a title of "Findagrave Marie Louise Chabot Malo",
and has reported details about it as follows:
No further description was provided
Presented as pertaining to Saint-Malo, Steinbach Census Division, Manitoba, Canada on 6 Apr 1896
The pertinent institution was not identified
Though there may be such, no people have been identified by the contributor as having been mentioned in the document
Media / Image (jpg - [jpeg]; image - document])
File size: 34708 bytes; Image size (pixels): 250 wide by 333 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Or it can also be viewed on this site, which may also require a subscription.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S1502254493] Ancestry.com,