1654 - 1728 (74 years)
Date |
Event(s) |
1 | 1668 | - 1668—1668: Radisson and des Groseilliers sail for Hudson Bay
Radisson and des Groseilliers sail for Hudson Bay on advice of First Nations partners about promising trade opportunities there, but only Groseilliers on the Nonsuch reaches the Bay to spend one winter; with the assistance of local Ininíwak, all crew members survive. (MHS)
2 | 1670 | - 1670—1670: Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) is incorporated
Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) is incorporated and its Charter is granted by Charles II. (MHS)
3 | 1684 | - 1684—1684: York Factory is founded at the mouth of the Nelson River
York Factory is founded at the mouth of the Nelson River (MHS)
4 | 1690 | - 1690—1690: Henry Kelsey joins a First Nations trading family bound for the prairies
16-year-old Henry Kelsey joins a First Nations trading family bound for the prairies and, the following year, is the first European to see vast herds of North American bison. (MHS)