Rick Dondo's Family Tree

Saint-Claude, RM of Dufferin, Manitoba, Canada


Tree: Rick Dondo's Family

This town is central to the stories of the immigrant generations of Dondo and Rebiffe family members who are the key players in the stories told on this website.

This municipality was named for St-Claude in the Jura region in France.

Founded in 1892 as a satellite parish to nearby Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes. Early records for events of the time reflect the fact it was part of the Rural Municipality of Dufferin. That changed in (about) 1906, when the town came under the aegis of the RM of Grey, whereof it is, today, a very important part.

References in this form are maintained on this tree to respect the historic nature of this administrative relationship with the surrounding towns and villages. Early residents of St Claude are recognized as having been instrumental in local affairs, holding office and contributing significantly with time, effort, and funds to the development of the area.

Some of that work is described (in French) in pages 30 through 95 of the volume Anecdotes, Saint-Claude, Manitoba, 1892-1992, via the link catalogued in the media library maintained on this site.

To get a more complete understanding of the role this town played in the stories of the families included on this tree, your host strongly recommends spending time also perusing the list of early events associated with the town while it was under the administration of the RM of Grey (i.e., 1906 to the present day).

City/Town : Latitude: 49.66189258233347, Longitude: -98.34387666767579


Matches 51 to 100 of 116

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID   Tree 
51 Hénault dite Canada "Kennedy", Emma Agnes Estelle "Rose"  Sep 1901I402251694825 Rick Dondo's Family 
52 Jobin, Arthur Maurice  5 Sep 1901I402114430973 Rick Dondo's Family 
53 Jobin, Cecile Elmire  28 Jan 1900I402114430972 Rick Dondo's Family 
54 Jobin, Edouard Gedeon "Edward" "Ed"  9 Jun 1903I402114430974 Rick Dondo's Family 
55 Jobin, Marie Emma  6 May 1897I402114430968 Rick Dondo's Family 
56 Lacroix, Angeline  1913I402124622254 Rick Dondo's Family 
57 Lacroix, C.  I402124622255 Rick Dondo's Family 
58 Lacroix, Claude Joseph Paul  1919I402127116797 Rick Dondo's Family 
59 Lacroix, Geneviève  1902I402124622257 Rick Dondo's Family 
60 Lacroix, Jean Louis Auguste "John"  19 Jun 1909I402124622259 Rick Dondo's Family 
61 Lacroix, Louis Ernest  9 Apr 1904I402122694404 Rick Dondo's Family 
62 Lacroix, Louis Georges Paul  22 Apr 1908I402124622258 Rick Dondo's Family 
63 Lacroix, Paul Louis Albert  19 Jan 1903I402124622256 Rick Dondo's Family 
64 Lacroix, Rose Marie  3 Aug 1911I402124622260 Rick Dondo's Family 
65 Lacroix, Thérèse Marie Catherine  7 Mar 1906I402124616760 Rick Dondo's Family 
66 Lacroix-Smith, Marie Octavie  24 Aug 1904I402124266376 Rick Dondo's Family 
67 Laurence "Lawrence", Emma Marthe  22 Jan 1900I402330781053 Rick Dondo's Family 
68 Le Bris, Jeanne-Louise  15 Oct 1905I400166527513 Rick Dondo's Family 
69 Le Calvé, Marie "Hélène" Brigitte  24 Dec 1914I402037733223 Rick Dondo's Family 
70 Legras "Le Gras de St-Germain", Armand  29 May 1927I402124607986 Rick Dondo's Family 
71 Legras "Le Gras de St-Germain", Elizabeth  28 Jan 1931I402124608239 Rick Dondo's Family 
72 Legras "Le Gras de St-Germain", Rose Marie  10 Apr 1925I402124573074 Rick Dondo's Family 
73 Magnard, Blanche Marie Therese  1893I402124638009 Rick Dondo's Family 
74 Marignac, Albert Joseph  16 Jan 1904I402123579126 Rick Dondo's Family 
75 Marignac-Hipwell-Brooke, Rosa Jeanne Marie "Rosie"  29 Nov 1899I402123579060 Rick Dondo's Family 
76 Martin, André Eugène  9 Jun 1913I402125999224 Rick Dondo's Family 
77 Martin, Charles René  2 May 1923I402125999717 Rick Dondo's Family 
78 Martin, Germaine Marie  30 Dec 1911I402125999113 Rick Dondo's Family 
79 Martin, Jean A  25 May 1919I402126001248 Rick Dondo's Family 
80 Martin, Paul  20 Nov 1914I402122721098 Rick Dondo's Family 
81 Martin, Pierre Antoine "Peter"  2 Oct 1920I402125999564 Rick Dondo's Family 
82 Maury, Joséphine "Marguerite" "Margaret"  12 Mar 1902I402038304445 Rick Dondo's Family 
83 Mercier, T.  I402124577796 Rick Dondo's Family 
84 Minaudier, Auguste Marvins Raymond  31 Jan 1894I402122675186 Rick Dondo's Family 
85 Minaudier, Jean-Baptiste Julien "Jean"  23 Feb 1896I402115377142 Rick Dondo's Family 
86 Minaudier "Minodier", Alphonse  1898I402122674856 Rick Dondo's Family 
87 Philippe, Ferdinand  4 Oct 1918I402005981831 Rick Dondo's Family 
88 Philippe, Jean Marie "John"  14 Dec 1905I400015147911 Rick Dondo's Family 
89 Philippe, Louis-Marie  20 May 1909I400016062245 Rick Dondo's Family 
90 Philippe, Sister Marie Joseph SGM  4 May 1922I402007386636 Rick Dondo's Family 
91 Philippe, Mathurine Jeanine "Jeanne" "Jennie"  22 Nov 1914I402005981022 Rick Dondo's Family 
92 Philippe, Robert Marie  7 Apr 1917I402005981023 Rick Dondo's Family 
93 Philippe, Sr Bernadette Marie Marguerite "Sainte-Thérèse de l'Enfant Jésus"  20 Aug 1920I402025474875 Rick Dondo's Family 
94 Philippe, Xavier Julien Marie  2 Jun 1913I402005981020 Rick Dondo's Family 
95 Philippe, Yves Marie  3 Mar 1917I402025473663 Rick Dondo's Family 
96 Pilloud, Anne "Annie" "Anna"  3 Aug 1901I402281017624 Rick Dondo's Family 
97 Pilloud, Edouard Ferdinand Joseph  13 Feb 1911I402127410149 Rick Dondo's Family 
98 Rebiffe, Fernand "René" Marie  22 Mar 1910I400015113857 Rick Dondo's Family 
99 Rebiffe, Marguerite Elise "Margaret"  28 Mar 1906I400015113228 Rick Dondo's Family 
100 Rey, Albert Jean Henri  10 May 1896I402126467907 Rick Dondo's Family 

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