Sources |
- [S0000200002] Various,
LAC Resources (Web)[SD], (Various).
Described as "1926 Canada Census item",
as published on the Library and Archives of Canada service,
where the full record is available.
- [S0000200002] Various,
LAC Resources (Web)[SD], (Various).
Described as "Canada Census 1901 - \"Rusin\" family in St Andrews",
as published on the Library and Archives of Canada service,
where the full record is available.
- [S0000200002] Various,
LAC Resources (Web)[SD], (Various).
Described as "Canada Census 1906 - \"Rusyn\" family in Winnipeg Beach",
as published on the Library and Archives of Canada service,
where the full record is available.
- [S0000200002] Various,
LAC Resources (Web)[SD], (Various).
Described as "Canada Census 1911 - \"Rosian\" family in Winnipeg Beach",
as published on the Library and Archives of Canada service,
where the full record is available.
- [S0000200002] Various,
LAC Resources (Web)[SD], (Various).
Described as "Canada Census 1916 - \"Russian\" family in Winnipeg Beach",
as published on the Library and Archives of Canada service,
where the full record is available.
- [S0000200002] Various,
LAC Resources (Web)[SD], (Various).
Described as "Canada Census 1921 - Russin families in Winnipeg Beach",
as published on the Library and Archives of Canada service,
where the full record is available.
- [S0000200002] Various,
LAC Resources (Web)[SD], (Various).
Described as "Canada Census 1926 - Peter Russin family in Winnipeg Beach",
as published on the Library and Archives of Canada service,
where the full record is available.
- [S1553365677] .
Described as "Google Maps - Former Galician precinct of origin",
as illustrated on this map found on the Google Maps service,
where one can determine the location and assess the surrounding area.
- [S0000200003] Various,
Internet Resources (Web)[SD], (Various).
Information has been found on a WWW / Internet service.
It is described as "Manitoba’s Municipal History \(MHS\)",
and was deemed by your host to be pertinent to this person's or family's story.
- [S0000200003] Various,
Internet Resources (Web)[SD], (Various).
Information has been found on a WWW / Internet service.
It is described as "Steamship Palatia \(1894\) - Norway Heritage",
and was deemed by your host to be pertinent to this person's or family's story.
- [S1502254493],
Ancestry Family Trees (Public and Private), (Online publication - Provo, UT, USA:
Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.).
A contributor has cited material deemed to be pertinent to this story.
It is described as "Ancestry Family Tree".
Another researcher's profile of this person
Another researcher's profile of this person
Another researcher's profile of this person
Another researcher's profile of this person
Another researcher's profile of this person
Another researcher's profile of this person
Another researcher's profile of this person
Another researcher's profile of this person
Another researcher's profile of this person
Another researcher's profile of this person
Another researcher's profile of this person
Another researcher's profile of this person
Another researcher's profile of this person
Another researcher's profile of this person
Another researcher's profile of this person
Another researcher's profile of this person
Another researcher's profile of this person
Another researcher's profile of this person
- [S1516687364] Staatsarchiv Hamburg, Hamburg Passenger Lists, 1850-1934, ( Operations, Inc.), Call Number not provided.
A contributor has cited material deemed to be pertinent to this story.
It is described as "Staatsarchiv Hamburg; Hamburg, Deutschland; Hamburger Passagierlisten; Microfilm No.: K_1761".
- [S1516687364] Staatsarchiv Hamburg, Hamburg Passenger Lists, 1850-1934, ( Operations, Inc.), Call Number not provided.
As noted on the service in this Records Collection item
It is described as "Staatsarchiv Hamburg; Hamburg, Deutschland; Hamburger Passagierlisten; Microfilm No.: K_1761".
- [S1502252560] and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,
Canada Census 1916, ( Operations Inc).
A contributor has cited material deemed to be pertinent to this story.
It is described as "Year: 1916; Census Place: Manitoba, Selkirk, 11; Roll: T-21930; Page: 24; Family No: 234".
- [S1502252560] and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,
Canada Census 1916, ( Operations Inc).
As noted on the service in this Records Collection item
It is described as "Year: 1916; Census Place: Manitoba, Selkirk, 11; Roll: T-21930; Page: 24; Family No: 234".
- [S1502255296], New York, Passenger Lists, 1820-1957, ( Operations, Inc.), Call Number not provided.
A contributor has cited material deemed to be pertinent to this story.
It is described as "Year: 1899; Arrival: New York, New York; Microfilm Serial: T715, 1897-1957; Microfilm Roll: Roll 0075; Line: 17; Page Number: 33".
- [S1502255296], New York, Passenger Lists, 1820-1957, ( Operations, Inc.), Call Number not provided.
As noted on the service in this Records Collection item
It is described as "Year: 1899; Arrival: New York, New York; Microfilm Serial: T715, 1897-1957; Microfilm Roll: Roll 0075; Line: 17; Page Number: 33".
- [S1502254883],
Canada Census 1906 of MB, SK, and AB, ( Operations Inc).
A contributor has cited material deemed to be pertinent to this story.
It is described as "Year: 1901; Census Place: St Andrews, Selkirk, Manitoba; Page: 2; Family No: 13".
- [S1502254883],
Canada Census 1906 of MB, SK, and AB, ( Operations Inc).
As noted on the service in this Records Collection item
It is described as "Year: 1901; Census Place: St Andrews, Selkirk, Manitoba; Page: 2; Family No: 13".
- [S1502270166] Government of Canada,
Canada Census 1906 of the Prairie Provinces; MB, SK, and AB (Web)[SD], (Library and Archives Canada), RG2, volume 908, PC1906-0887 dated 1906-05-15; RG31.
A contributor has cited material deemed to be pertinent to this story.
It is described as "Year: 1906; Census Place: 12, Selkirk, Manitoba; Page: 19; Family No: 137".
- [S1502270166] Government of Canada,
Canada Census 1906 of the Prairie Provinces; MB, SK, and AB (Web)[SD], (Library and Archives Canada), RG2, volume 908, PC1906-0887 dated 1906-05-15; RG31.
As noted on the service in this Records Collection item
It is described as "Year: 1906; Census Place: 12, Selkirk, Manitoba; Page: 19; Family No: 137".
- [S1525578624], Passenger Ships and Images, (Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2007.Original data - Various maritime reference sources.Original data: Various maritime reference sources.), Call Number not provided.
As noted on the service in this Records Collection item
- [S1502257697],
Canada Census 1911, ( Operations Inc).
A contributor has cited material deemed to be pertinent to this story.
It is described as "Year: 1911; Census Place: 26, Selkirk, Manitoba; Page: 2; Family No: 10".
- [S1502257697],
Canada Census 1911, ( Operations Inc).
As noted on the service in this Records Collection item
It is described as "Year: 1911; Census Place: 26, Selkirk, Manitoba; Page: 2; Family No: 10".
- [S1502252567],
Canada Census 1921, ( Operations Inc).
A contributor has cited material deemed to be pertinent to this story.
It is described as "Reference Number: RG 31; Folder Number: 26; Census Place: Selkirk, Manitoba; Page Number: 22".
- [S1502252567],
Canada Census 1921, ( Operations Inc).
As noted on the service in this Records Collection item
It is described as "Reference Number: RG 31; Folder Number: 26; Census Place: Selkirk, Manitoba; Page Number: 22".
- [S0000100001] Find a Grave (A subsidiary of Ancestry),
Ancestry's Find A Grave Indices / Catalogues, (Find a Grave (A subsidiary of Ancestry)).
As noted on the service in this Records Collection item
- [S1582876842],
Geneanet Community Trees Index, (Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.).
As noted on the service in this Records Collection item
- [S1597022058] Statistics Canada and,
1931 Canada Census, (Government of Canada and Operations Inc),
MG26-K; Microfilm reel #M-1408; Item ID #234379.
A contributor has cited material deemed to be pertinent to this story.
It is described as "Library and Archives Canada; Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; Seventh Census of Canada, 1931; Folder Number: T-27323; Census Place: Selkirk, Manitoba, Canada; Page Number: l".
- [S1597022058] Statistics Canada and,
1931 Canada Census, (Government of Canada and Operations Inc),
MG26-K; Microfilm reel #M-1408; Item ID #234379.
As noted on the service in this Records Collection item
It is described as "Library and Archives Canada; Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; Seventh Census of Canada, 1931; Folder Number: T-27323; Census Place: Selkirk, Manitoba, Canada; Page Number: l".
- [S1502254679],
Manitoba Vital Statistics; Birth Index, ( Operations Inc).
As noted on the service in this Records Collection item
- [S1502254679],
Manitoba Vital Statistics; Birth Index, ( Operations Inc).
As noted on the service in this Records Collection item
- [S1502254433],
Manitoba Vital Statistics; Death Index, ( Operations Inc).
As noted on the service in this Records Collection item
- [S1502254433],
Manitoba Vital Statistics; Death Index, ( Operations Inc).
As noted on the service in this Records Collection item
- [S1502254908],
Canada, GenWeb Cemetery Index (Web), ( Operations Inc).
As noted on the service in this Records Collection item
- [S0000100001] Find a Grave (A subsidiary of Ancestry),
Ancestry's Find A Grave Indices / Catalogues, (Find a Grave (A subsidiary of Ancestry)).
An online memorial for "Dokita Russin 5 Dec 1936"
can be reviewed on the public and free Find a Grave service.
It may offer connections to his or her parents, siblings, children, and generations beyond.
It may also contain stories that are not documented on your host's tree or this website.
Your host has graciously offered an image file identified as a document
with a title of "Dokita Russin",
and has reported details about it as follows:
No further description was provided
Presented as pertaining to Selkirk Census Division, Manitoba, Canada on 5 Dec 1936
The pertinent institution was not identified
Though there may be such, no people have been identified by the contributor as having been mentioned in the document
Media / Image (jpg - [jpeg]; image - document])
File size: 21138 bytes; Image size (pixels): 250 wide by 333 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Or it can also be viewed on this site, which may also require a subscription.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S1553154611] Government of Canada,
Canada Census 1926 of the Prairie Provinces; MB, SK, and AB (Web)[SD], (Library and Archives Canada), 2007/001; 2017-00473-1; 4-1964-01-004 OFRC; O64-D005-00; R233; RG 31.
A contributor has cited material deemed to be pertinent to this story.
It is described as "RG31, Statistics Canada Item Number: 266169".
It was described specifically or transcribed by them as "As "Sonja Russin"; Gender: Female; Age: 60; Marital Status: Widowed; Relationship: Mother; Ethnic Origin: Ukrainian; Year of Immigration: 1899; Province: Manitoba; District Name: Selkirk; District Number: 10; Sub-District Number: 5; Sub-District De".scription: Township 16 in ranges 4 and 5, east of principal meridian, west of the Red River, and those parts o... ; Family Number: 97; Page Number: 10; Line Number: 12
Reported as having been published or sourced on or about 2016.
The information was at the time and may yet be available here, on an Internet service,
access to which may or may not also be subject to a subscription.
- [S1569074774] .
A contributor has cited material deemed to be pertinent to this story.
It is described as "Beyond the Gates of Lower Fort Garry - A Sequel".
It was described specifically or transcribed by them as "Various passages that recount the stories of various Russin family members during their time in the Interlake area around the RM of St Andrews, MB, CANADA".
Reported as having been published or sourced on or about 2000.
The information was at the time and may yet be available here, on an Internet service,
access to which may or may not also be subject to a subscription.
- [S0000300001] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Portraits [SD], (Various).
Your host has offered a file identified as an image of a portrait
with a title of "Teodor Russin - A Family Portrait",
and has reported details about it as follows:
Described as: Family portrait; Teodor aka Fred Russin with Dogiya (aka Dokija), Peter, Anastasia (aka Nettie), Yonko (aka John), and Michael-Martin
NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original
Published in Winnipeg Beach, Manitoba, CANADA, on 30JUN 1907
Media / Image (jpg - [png]; image - [portrait])
File size: 5113679 bytes; Image size (pixels): 2592 wide by 2431 high
Available for viewing with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S0000300007] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Stories in files [SD], (Various).
Your host has offered a data file identified as containing a story
with a title of "Canadian Archeparchy - Ukrainian Settlements in Manitoba",
and has reported details about it as follows:
Described as: Canadian Archeparchy - Ukrainian Settlements in Manitoba; an article taken from the book “Ukrainian Catholic Churches of Winnipeg Archeparchy, History of Ukrainian Catholic Churches in Canada, Volume 4” by Anna Maria Kowcz-Baran
NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original
Reported as pertaining to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, on 1991
File details: [pdf - pdf; story - story]
File size: 30334 bytes; Image size (pixels): 0 wide by 0 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S0000300005] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Images of documents [SD], (Various).
Your host has graciously offered an image file identified as a document
with a title of "19260601 Canada Census Form - Peter Russin (1896) and family",
and has reported details about it as follows:
Described as: 19260601 Canada Census Form - Peter Russin (1896) and family
NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original
Presented as pertaining to Winnipeg Beach, Manitoba, Canada on 1 Jun 1926
The pertinent institution was not identified
Though there may be such, no people have been identified by the contributor as having been mentioned in the document
Media / Image (jpg - [jpeg]; image - document])
File size: 5861765 bytes; Image size (pixels): 3020 wide by 2379 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S0000300007] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Stories in files [SD], (Various).
Your host has offered a data file identified as containing a story
with a title of "Sadie Grimm 1914 ride from Winnipeg to Winnipeg Beach - She was a Pistol -- CBC News story",
and has reported details about it as follows:
Described as: 'She was a pistol': Winnipeg teen Sadie Grimm raced into
NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original
Reported as pertaining to Winnipeg, Greater Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, on 2019 6 22
File details: [pdf - pdf; story - story]
File size: 1674930 bytes; Image size (pixels): 0 wide by 0 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S0000300005] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Images of documents [SD], (Various).
Your host has graciously offered an image file identified as a document
with a title of "Extract of birth certificate - Jan "John" "Yonko" Rusyn",
and has reported details about it as follows:
Described as: Extract of birth certificate for Jan "John" "Yonko" Rusyn
NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original
Presented as pertaining to Poland on 12 Sep 1954
The pertinent institution was not identified
Though there may be such, no people have been identified by the contributor as having been mentioned in the document
Media / Image (jpg - [png]; image - document])
File size: 342558 bytes; Image size (pixels): 625 wide by 292 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S0000300003] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Other images [SD], (Various).
Your host has graciously offered a file as being about a place,
with a title of "Komarno cairn honouring the early Interlake pioneers",
but with minimal identifying / descriptive information,
reporting some details about it as follows:
Described as: Komarno cairn (1980) honouring the early Interlake pioneers
NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original
Represented as being about or in Komarno, North Interlake Census Division, Manitoba, Canada on 21 Sep 2018
Though there may be such, no people have been identified by the contributor as having been mentioned in the image
The document has not been transcribed
File information: (jpg - [jpeg]; image - other)
File size: 4513742 bytes; Image size (pixels): 2268 wide by 4032 high
Available for viewing with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S0000300005] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Images of documents [SD], (Various).
Your host has graciously offered an image file identified as a document
with a title of "1907 Map of Manitoba - Rand McNally New Business Atlas",
and has reported details about it as follows:
Described as: 1907 Map of Manitoba - Rand McNally New Business Atlas
NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original
Presented as pertaining to Manitoba, Canada on 1907
The pertinent institution was not identified
Though there may be such, no people have been identified by the contributor as having been mentioned in the document
Media / Image (jpg - [jpeg]; image - document])
File size: 7430614 bytes; Image size (pixels): 3123 wide by 2091 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S0000300005] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Images of documents [SD], (Various).
Your host has graciously offered an image file identified as a document
with a title of "Spruce Swamp and Stone - Early Ukrainian settlement in the Gimli area -- Occupancy of Township 17-2E in 1897",
and has reported details about it as follows:
Described as: Spruce Swamp and Stone - Early Ukrainian settlement in the Gimli area -- Occupancy of Township 17-2E in 1897
NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original
Presented as pertaining to Pleasant Home, South Interlake Census Division, Manitoba, Canada on 1977
The pertinent institution was not identified
Though there may be such, no people have been identified by the contributor as having been mentioned in the document
Media / Image (jpg - [png]; image - document])
File size: 129497 bytes; Image size (pixels): 950 wide by 1035 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S0000300005] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Images of documents [SD], (Various).
Your host has graciously offered an image file identified as a document
with a title of "Spruce Swamp and Stone - Early Ukrainian settlement in the Gimli area -- Occupancy of Township 17-3E in 1897",
and has reported details about it as follows:
Described as: Spruce Swamp and Stone - Early Ukrainian settlement in the Gimli area -- Occupancy of Township 17-3E in 1897; Dates indicate application for homestead entry
NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original
Presented as pertaining to Pleasant Home, South Interlake Census Division, Manitoba, Canada on 1977
The pertinent institution was not identified
Though there may be such, no people have been identified by the contributor as having been mentioned in the document
Media / Image (jpg - [png]; image - document])
File size: 142308 bytes; Image size (pixels): 1065 wide by 1687 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S0000300007] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Stories in files [SD], (Various).
Your host has offered a data file identified as containing a story
with a title of "Spruce Swamp and Stone - Early Ukrainian settlement in the Gimli area 005 -- The End of the First Quarter Century",
and has reported details about it as follows:
Described as: Spruce Swamp and Stone - Early Ukrainian settlement in the Gimli area 005 -- The End of the First Quarter Century
NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original
Reported as pertaining to Gimli, North Interlake Census Division, Manitoba, Canada, on 1977
File details: [pdf - pdf; story - story]
File size: 4729632 bytes; Image size (pixels): 0 wide by 0 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S0000300007] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Stories in files [SD], (Various).
Your host has offered a data file identified as containing a story
with a title of "Spruce Swamp and Stone - Early Ukrainian settlement in the Gimli area 004 -- Years of Adjustment",
and has reported details about it as follows:
Described as: Spruce Swamp and Stone - Early Ukrainian settlement in the Gimli area 004 -- Years of Adjustment
NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original
Reported as pertaining to Gimli, North Interlake Census Division, Manitoba, Canada, on 1977
File details: [pdf - pdf; story - story]
File size: 4979615 bytes; Image size (pixels): 0 wide by 0 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S0000300007] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Stories in files [SD], (Various).
Your host has offered a data file identified as containing a story
with a title of "Spruce Swamp and Stone - Early Ukrainiansettlement in the Gimli area 006 -- Conclusion Acknowledgements Bibliography Appendices",
and has reported details about it as follows:
Described as: Spruce Swamp and Stone - Early Ukrainian settlement in the Gimli area 006 -- Conclusion Acknowledgements Bibliography Appendices and Index
NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original
Reported as pertaining to Gimli, North Interlake Census Division, Manitoba, Canada, on 1977
File details: [pdf - pdf; story - story]
File size: 768174 bytes; Image size (pixels): 0 wide by 0 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S0000300007] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Stories in files [SD], (Various).
Your host has offered a data file identified as containing a story
with a title of "Spruce Swamp and Stone - Early Ukrainian settlement in the Gimli area 003 -- Period of Change",
and has reported details about it as follows:
Described as: Spruce Swamp and Stone - Early Ukrainian settlement in the Gimli area 003 -- Period of Change
NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original
Reported as pertaining to Gimli, North Interlake Census Division, Manitoba, Canada, on 1977
File details: [pdf - pdf; story - story]
File size: 5707935 bytes; Image size (pixels): 0 wide by 0 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S0000300007] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Stories in files [SD], (Various).
Your host has offered a data file identified as containing a story
with a title of "Spruce Swamp and Stone - Early Ukrainian settlement in the Gimli area 001 -- The New Country",
and has reported details about it as follows:
Described as: Spruce Swamp and Stone - Early Ukrainian settlement in the Gimli area 001 -- The New Country
NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original
Reported as pertaining to Gimli, North Interlake Census Division, Manitoba, Canada, on 1977
File details: [pdf - pdf; story - story]
File size: 6054895 bytes; Image size (pixels): 0 wide by 0 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S0000300007] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Stories in files [SD], (Various).
Your host has offered a data file identified as containing a story
with a title of "Spruce Swamp and Stone - Early Ukrainian settlement in the Gimli area 002 -- First Organizations",
and has reported details about it as follows:
Described as: Spruce Swamp and Stone - Early Ukrainian settlement in the Gimli area 002 -- First Organizations
NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original
Reported as pertaining to Gimli, North Interlake Census Division, Manitoba, Canada, on 1977
File details: [pdf - pdf; story - story]
File size: 3484239 bytes; Image size (pixels): 0 wide by 0 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S0000300007] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Stories in files [SD], (Various).
Your host has offered a data file identified as containing a story
with a title of "Spruce Swamp and Stone - Early Ukrainian settlement in the Gimli area 000 -- Cover TOC Preface and Introduction",
and has reported details about it as follows:
Described as: Spruce Swamp and Stone - Early Ukrainian settlement in the Gimli area 000 -- Cover TOC Preface and Introduction
NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original
Reported as pertaining to Gimli, North Interlake Census Division, Manitoba, Canada, on 1977
File details: [pdf - pdf; story - story]
File size: 543606 bytes; Image size (pixels): 0 wide by 0 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S0000300005] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Images of documents [SD], (Various).
Your host has graciously offered an image file identified as a document
with a title of "Dokita Russin",
and has reported details about it as follows:
No further description was provided
Presented as pertaining to Selkirk Census Division, Manitoba, Canada on 5 Dec 1936
The pertinent institution was not identified
Though there may be such, no people have been identified by the contributor as having been mentioned in the document
Media / Image (jpg - [jpeg]; image - document])
File size: 21138 bytes; Image size (pixels): 250 wide by 333 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Or it can also be viewed on this site, which may also require a subscription.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S0000300002] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Headstones [SD], (Various).
Your host has graciously offered a file identified as an image of a headstone
with a title of "Headstone - Dokija Russin (nee Vordyniak)",
and has reported details about it as follows:
Described as: Headstone - Dokija Russin -- Holy Rosary Roman Catholic Cemetery St Andrews MB
NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original
Published or taken in Winnipeg Beach. Manitoba, CANADA on or about 6 Dec 1936
The offered place of birth is: Galicia
The offered date of birth is: 1859
The offered place of death is: Gimli, Manitoba, CANADA
The offered date of death is: 1956
Cemetery / final disposition identified as: Holy Rosary Roman Catholic Cemetery
The following people have been identified as mentioned in the image:
Dokija Russin (nee Vordyniak)
The content of the image has not been transcribed
Media / Image file of types: (jpg - jpeg; image - headstone)
File size: 362807 bytes; Image size (pixels): 600 wide by 800 high
Available for viewing with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
A publicly accessible image of this headstone and a memorial to this individual is
very likely available via the "Find a Grave" service which is probably cited
as a "SOURCE" for details and events that are part of this person's story.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S0000300007] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Stories in files [SD], (Various).
Your host has offered a data file identified as containing a story
with a title of "BGLFG Extract 002 Peter and Stella Russin Family",
and has reported details about it as follows:
Described as: Article written by Fred Russin for the book produced to mark the Centenary of the RM of St Andrews Copyright 1999; Municipality of St Andrews ISBN 10 1-55056-709-8 Produed by volunteers for the RM First Printing: 2000 By Friesens Cor
NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original
Reported as pertaining to RM of St Andrews, Manitoba, CANADA, on 01 JAN 2000
File details: [pdf - pdf; story - story]
File size: 1818146 bytes; Image size (pixels): 0 wide by 0 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S0000300007] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Stories in files [SD], (Various).
Your host has offered a data file identified as containing a story
with a title of "BGLFG Extract 001 Fred and Dokija Russin Family",
and has reported details about it as follows:
Described as: Article written by Fred Russin for the book produced to mark the Centenary of the RM of St Andrews
NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original
Reported as pertaining to RM of St Andrews, Manitoba, CANADA, on 01 jan 2000
File details: [pdf - pdf; story - story]
File size: 1003142 bytes; Image size (pixels): 0 wide by 0 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S0000300007] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Stories in files [SD], (Various).
Your host has offered a data file identified as containing a story
with a title of "EUSC Extract 015 Trip Itinerary of DR. JOSEF OLESKOW - JULY 25 to OCTOBER 15 1895",
and has reported details about it as follows:
NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original
Reported as pertaining to Toronto, Ontario, CANADA, on 01 JAN 1964
File details: [pdf - pdf; story - story]
File size: 2431791 bytes; Image size (pixels): 0 wide by 0 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S0000300007] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Stories in files [SD], (Various).
Your host has offered a data file identified as containing a story
with a title of "EUSC Extract 014 Biography DR. JOSEF OLESKOW",
and has reported details about it as follows:
NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original
Reported as pertaining to Toronto, Ontario, CANADA, on 01 JAN 1964
File details: [pdf - pdf; story - story]
File size: 2182630 bytes; Image size (pixels): 0 wide by 0 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S0000300007] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Stories in files [SD], (Various).
Your host has offered a data file identified as containing a story
with a title of "EUSC Extract 011 Pleasant Home Part 02",
and has reported details about it as follows:
NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original
Reported as pertaining to Toronto, Ontario, CANADA, on 01 JAN 1964
File details: [pdf - pdf; story - story]
File size: 5977818 bytes; Image size (pixels): 0 wide by 0 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S0000300007] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Stories in files [SD], (Various).
Your host has offered a data file identified as containing a story
with a title of "EUSC Extract 013 Biography CYRIL GENIK",
and has reported details about it as follows:
NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original
Reported as pertaining to Toronto, Ontario, CANADA, on 01 JAN 1964
File details: [pdf - pdf; story - story]
File size: 1360806 bytes; Image size (pixels): 0 wide by 0 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S0000300007] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Stories in files [SD], (Various).
Your host has offered a data file identified as containing a story
with a title of "EUSC Extract 012 On the Threshold of a New Century",
and has reported details about it as follows:
NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original
Reported as pertaining to Toronto, Ontario, CANADA, on 01 JAN 1964
File details: [pdf - pdf; story - story]
File size: 2188563 bytes; Image size (pixels): 0 wide by 0 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S0000300007] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Stories in files [SD], (Various).
Your host has offered a data file identified as containing a story
with a title of "EUSC Extract 010 Pleasant Home Part 01",
and has reported details about it as follows:
NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original
Reported as pertaining to Toronto, Ontario, CANADA, on 01 JAN 1964
File details: [pdf - pdf; story - story]
File size: 6300391 bytes; Image size (pixels): 0 wide by 0 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S0000300007] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Stories in files [SD], (Various).
Your host has offered a data file identified as containing a story
with a title of "EUSC Extract 009 Images",
and has reported details about it as follows:
NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original
Reported as pertaining to Toronto, Ontario, CANADA, on 01 JAN 1964
File details: [pdf - pdf; story - story]
File size: 5577650 bytes; Image size (pixels): 0 wide by 0 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S0000300007] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Stories in files [SD], (Various).
Your host has offered a data file identified as containing a story
with a title of "EUSC Extract 007 Chapter 02 Visit to Canada",
and has reported details about it as follows:
NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original
Reported as pertaining to Toronto, Ontario, CANADA, on 01 JAN 1964
File details: [pdf - pdf; story - story]
File size: 5402852 bytes; Image size (pixels): 0 wide by 0 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S0000300007] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Stories in files [SD], (Various).
Your host has offered a data file identified as containing a story
with a title of "EUSC Extract 008 The Years 1895-1897",
and has reported details about it as follows:
NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original
Reported as pertaining to Toronto, Ontario, CANADA, on 01 JAN 1964
File details: [pdf - pdf; story - story]
File size: 2137331 bytes; Image size (pixels): 0 wide by 0 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S0000300007] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Stories in files [SD], (Various).
Your host has offered a data file identified as containing a story
with a title of "EUSC Extract 006 Chapter 01 Preliminaries",
and has reported details about it as follows:
NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original
Reported as pertaining to Toronto, Ontario, CANADA, on 01 JAN 1964
File details: [pdf - pdf; story - story]
File size: 1725114 bytes; Image size (pixels): 0 wide by 0 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S0000300007] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Stories in files [SD], (Various).
Your host has offered a data file identified as containing a story
with a title of "EUSC Extract 005 The Problem of the Ethnic Name",
and has reported details about it as follows:
NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original
Reported as pertaining to Toronto, Ontario, CANADA, on 01 JAN 1964
File details: [pdf - pdf; story - story]
File size: 2184078 bytes; Image size (pixels): 0 wide by 0 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S0000300007] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Stories in files [SD], (Various).
Your host has offered a data file identified as containing a story
with a title of "EUSC Extract 003 Preface",
and has reported details about it as follows:
NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original
Reported as pertaining to Toronto, Ontario, CANADA, on 01 JAN 1964
File details: [pdf - pdf; story - story]
File size: 2771261 bytes; Image size (pixels): 0 wide by 0 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S0000300007] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Stories in files [SD], (Various).
Your host has offered a data file identified as containing a story
with a title of "EUSC Extract 004 TOC Illustrations and Notes of Explanation",
and has reported details about it as follows:
NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original
Reported as pertaining to Toronto, Ontario, CANADA, on 01 JAN 1964
File details: [pdf - pdf; story - story]
File size: 1509806 bytes; Image size (pixels): 0 wide by 0 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S0000300007] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Stories in files [SD], (Various).
Your host has offered a data file identified as containing a story
with a title of "EUSC Extract 002 Foreword",
and has reported details about it as follows:
NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original
Reported as pertaining to Toronto, Ontario, CANADA, on 01 JAN 1964
File details: [pdf - pdf; story - story]
File size: 2127824 bytes; Image size (pixels): 0 wide by 0 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S0000300007] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Stories in files [SD], (Various).
Your host has offered a data file identified as containing a story
with a title of "EUSC Extract 000 Cover and Flyleaf",
and has reported details about it as follows:
NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original
Reported as pertaining to Toronto, Ontario, CANADA, on 01 JAN 1964
File details: [pdf - pdf; story - story]
File size: 1637442 bytes; Image size (pixels): 0 wide by 0 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S0000300007] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Stories in files [SD], (Various).
Your host has offered a data file identified as containing a story
with a title of "EUSC Extract 001 Copyright and Dedication",
and has reported details about it as follows:
NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original
Reported as pertaining to Toronto, Ontario, CANADA, on 01 JAN 1964
File details: [pdf - pdf; story - story]
File size: 509459 bytes; Image size (pixels): 0 wide by 0 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S0000300007] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Stories in files [SD], (Various).
Your host has offered a data file identified as containing a story
with a title of "The Land in the Middle - Manitobas Interlake",
and has reported details about it as follows:
Described as: This book was prepared at the request of the Interlake Development Corporation Inc., which is an organization dedicated to promote the development of the Interlake area. Contributors to this
NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original
Reported as pertaining to Manitoba, Canada, on 1973
File details: [pdf - pdf; story - story]
File size: 13784827 bytes; Image size (pixels): 0 wide by 0 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S0000300007] Various,
Media items collected on Ancestry® family trees: Stories in files [SD], (Various).
Your host has offered a data file identified as containing a story
with a title of "Fred Russin Cover Letter for Russin Family History",
and has reported details about it as follows:
Described as: Note to Edith Dondo from Fred Russin accompanying pages copied from the St Andrews publication "Beyond the Gates of St Andrews"
NOTE: The above description may be truncated / shortened from the original
Reported as pertaining to Winnipeg, Manitoba, CANADA, on 25 MAR 2009
File details: [pdf - pdf; story - story]
File size: 1097252 bytes; Image size (pixels): 0 wide by 0 high
Available for download with an active subscription on your host's Ancestry tree.
Ancestry record number reported as: N/A
- [S1569074774] .
A contributor has cited material deemed to be pertinent to this story.
It is described as "Beyond the Gates of Lower Fort Garry - A Sequel".
It was described specifically or transcribed by them as "Various passages that recount the stories of various Russin family members during their time in the Interlake area around the RM of St Andrews, MB, CANADA (NB!!! KNOWN TO CONTAIN INFORMATION ABOUT CHILDREN OF FRED AND DOKIJA THAT HAS NEVER BEEN SUB".STANTIATED!)
Reported as having been published or sourced on or about 2000.
The information was at the time and may yet be available here, on an Internet service,
access to which may or may not also be subject to a subscription.